The Mail


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I never thought that I would see the day when I would open the CRIMSON and find:

"As the tentlike sweaters go, the dressmaker sweaters make their appearance. Sweaters have little scalloped collars, odd sleeves, and fancy embroidery. Since they are now de rigeur for evening wear, some of the most luxurious cashmeres come embroidered with pearls and bugle beads, or trimmed with mink at the neck and cuffs. The classic cashmere, often of purest white, is worn with a jumbled treasure-house of beads, necklaces, and pearls again, or with a fantastic pseudo-Renaissance choker or a vast bib of phoney gems . . ."

Is the CRIMSON merely toadying to Radcliffe, or has it become a nest of effeminates (to say fairies might be going too far.)?

In either case, kindly cancel my subscription at once. Samuel Armistead

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