Higher Research Gets Boost From Ford Foundation


Both the Medical and Business Schools will share in a $300,000 grant by the Ford Foundation to the University last October, the University announced yesterday.

One third of the sum goes to the Graduate School of Business Administration for a long-term project in research and training in human relations. The school has pioneered in the introduction of human relations methods into American industry.

Medical Research

The Medical School has been allocated the remaining $200,000 for a five-year study of the physiological and psychological effects of adrenal hormones.

Volunteers whose normal supply of adrenal hormones has been cut off by operations and replaced by injections of cortisone will take part in the experiments.

Since the Ford Foundation is primarily concerned with "the increase of scientifically established knowledge of human behavior," this project will concentrate on the effect of adrenal hormones on the makeup and behavior of the individual.

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