Blasting on Bungle Disturbs '53's Rest


The City of Cambridge tried to erase a bungle with pneumatic drills last night as a crew of workmen toiled feverishly until 10 p.m. in order to put the subway kleak on the same footing it was last fall.

Last fall the kiosk, as usual, was resting on a square of concerto. However, in a burst of planning, Cambridge added more concrete to the sides of the island making it into a circle. Last night, while freshmen cringed in their rooms, a team of drillers blasted the island back into its original rectangular form.

"This thing stuck out too far," a worker explained as the happily blasted off a chuck of the Square.

Freshmen in Straus and Matthews Halls, unable to sleep, were just as happy to have the "thing" remain in place.

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