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Crew Faces Yale Tomorrow In Bid for Unbeaten Season

By Bayard Hooper

The Harvard-Yale race--grand finale to the sports season--will take place on the Thames River tomorrow afternoon, and unless something goes drastically awry it will be an impressive display of Crimson strength. Not a single Harvard crew has come even close to defeat all season, a record which includes wins over every major racing college in the east--including Yale.

All these victories have been at distances under two miles, which theoretically should make tomorrow's four-mile varsity classic an entirely different proposition, defying comparison. However, a long race will improve the Crimson's chances of victory, since stroke Bill Curwen sets a low pace which is especially effective over longer distances.

Imitate Crimson

The Elis, making a frantic, bid to end 13 consecutive defeats over the New London course, have imitated Curwen's (and Coach Tom Bolles') rowing style this year, abandoning their high stroking style of previous seasons. Both crews will probably row most of the race at a 30 to 31 beat, although Yale will force it up higher for the finish.

The Crimson jayvee boat, which like its varsity and freshman counterparts won the Eastern championship last month, should not have too much trouble keeping its record clean. Both jayvees and freshmen row over a two mile course, which makes their earlier victories over the Blue a more accurate yardstick of what they will do tomorrow.

Defeat Varsity

As for the freshmen, nothing short of a torpedo can stop them from winning. Coach Harvey Love has developed the best yearling boat in many a season. In fact, they are good enough to have defeated their own varsity in time trials, something unprecedented in rowing circles.

Advance word on the combination crew is slim since it is untested in combat, but the general superiority of local oarsmen make it likely that Bolles can scrape together eight spare men with less trouble than Yale's Alan Walz.

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