Radcliffe Opens 70th Year In Noon Ceremonies Today


Radcliffe's 70th year will get underway officially at 11 a.m. today when almost 1250 students march into the First Congregational Church on Garden st. for traditional Radcliffe Opening Day exercises.

The class of 1949, wearing caps and gowns for the first time and marshaled by Class president Luretta Davis, will lead the line of 900-odd undergraduate and 350 graduate students as the college files to the church from the Radcliffe Yard. Annex officials and staff members will precede the students across Garden st.

President W. K. Jordan's welcoming address will keynote the exercises. Besides his annual greeting, Mr. Jordan will welcome to Cambridge this morning Professor Helen Maud Cam, formerly of Cambridge, England, who arrived this summer to take her position as first Samuel Zemurray, Jr., and Doris Zemurray Stone-Radcliffe Professor of History.

Other speakers will include Miss Mildred P. Sherman, dean of the college, Mrs. William A. Kerby-Miller, dean of instruction, and Joan Projansky '49, president of the Student Government Association. John H. Leamon will deliver the prayer and benediction.

Formal opening ends at noon for all undergraduates, but Annex graduate students will go on to an official reception and lunch in Longfellow Hall.

This morning's ceremonies will mark the first formal Radcliffe ceremony in which this year's freshman class participates, and it will also be their first opportunity to meet the majority of upperclassmen.

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