Will Swap Mattress for Bunk At Yale, Wellesley, Wothavu


So ya go ta Harvard, and ya gotta friend dat wants ta go ta Harvard. Only trouble is he's at Yale awready. Tell ya wet ya gotto do, or better yet, tell ya wot die guy C1878 done. He puts and ad in da CRIMSON, da number of da ad is C1878, an' he's askin' if anybody at Harvard wants ta go ta Yale.

He figures he can make a trade, a strictly no cash deal, before the season opens. Dis C1878 guy sez Yale gotta football player name a Wayne Johnson a couple a years ago from Harvard. Maybe he wants a trade a scholar, one of them chemistry fellas fer instance, fer a new fullback.

A' course if ya wanta go ta Wellesley, take Route 16.

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