Track Team Trails Rl State, Conquers Brown in Tri-Meet

Flint Takes Both Hurdle Events As Crimson Finish in Middle Of 66-53 1/2-45 1/2 Final Score


"Good field, no run," was Coach Mikkola's ready-made comment Saturday after a power-pregnant Rhode Island State team had run the Varsity into the Stadium cinders 66 to 53 1/2. Brown was third with 45 1/2 points.

Trailing by nearly 30 points in the early events, the Crimson finally began clicking in the field events and surged past Brown. But Rhode Island's cinder entries had already sewed up the meet. Running like frightened gazelles, they had out-scored the Varsity 38 to 2. Only Wes Flint, who grabbed two easy wins in the hurdles, was able to outrun the visitors.

The summary:

100-yard dash--Won by W. Dwyer (B); second, Barksdale (B); third, R. Dwyer (RIS); fourth, Squadrito (RIS). Time 9 9/10 sec. 220-yard dash Won by R. Dwyer (RIS); second, W. Dwyer (B); third, Bullock (RIS); fourth, Squadrito (RIS). Time 22 2/10 sec. 440-yard dash--Won by Crimmin (B); second, Bullock (RIS); third, Hall (RIS); fourth, Hamblett (H). Time--50 7/10 sec. 880-yard run--Won by Hall (RIS); second, Crimmin (B); third, Tobey (B); fourth. Cashman (RIS). Time--1 min., 58 7/10 sec.

One-mile run--Won by Tobey (B); second, Black (RIS); third, Cashman (RIS); fourth, Castrano (RIS). Time--4 min., 25 8/10 sec. Two-mile run--Won by Black (RIS); second, Cameron (RIS); third, La Flamac (RIS); fourth, Rosenfeld (H). Time--10 min., 16 9/10 sec. 120-yard high hurdles--Won by Flint (H); second, Crossley (B); third, Dahl (RIS); fourth, Platt (RIS). Time--15 sec. 220-yard low hurdles--Won by Flint (H); second, Corcoran (RIS); third, McCormick (H); fourth, Crossley (B). Time--24 3/10 sec. Polt vault--Won by Harwood (H); tie for second between Torrey (H) and Sherman (RIS); fourth, Lawrence (H). Height--13 ft. High jump--Won by Harrigan (H); tie for second between Phillips (B) and Spielberg (RIS); fourth, Garland (H). Height--5 ft., 11 in. Javelin throw--Won by Hodash (B); second, Burkhart (RIS); third, Trimble (H); fourth, Hanna (RIS). Distance--182 ft., 4 in. Discus throw--Won by Felton (H); second, Cameron (H); third, Fisher (H); fourth, Miller (RIS). Distance--140 ft., 9 1/4 in. Broad jump--Won by R. Dwyer (RIS); second, Benish (RIS); third, Thayer (H); fourth, Bates (B). Distance--22 ft., 4 in.

16-pound shot put--Won by Jackson (H); second, Miller (RIS); third, Flick (B); fourth, Garland (H). Distance--48 ft., 4 1/2 in. 16-pound hammer throw--Won by Bennett (B); second, Fisher (H); third, Felton (H); fourth, Miller (RIS). Distance--170 ft

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