Council Hears N.S.A. Praised By Delegation

Student Wages Will Get Airing in Week


Delegates who watched the National Student Association swing into high gear in the regional convention at Mt. Holyoke over the weekend told the Student Council last night that the N.S.A. "has a definite place in the New England scene and at Harvard."

The brief Council meeting at Phillips Brooks House also directed the committee studying wage rates in the Student Employment Office to report next Monday and discussed the problem of hospitality to visiting athletic teams.

Edric A. Weld, Jr. '46, Council president, heard the College's system for entertaining the out-of-towners termed "hopelessly inadequate" by William P. Hall '45, 1G, former Varsity football manger. "We have a reputation around the Ivy League of neglecting our guests," he said.

Delegates Encouraged

Delegates returning from the N.S.A. meeting emphasized that any skepticism they had had about the practical possibilities of the organization had vanished at Mt. Holyoke.

Problems such as food relief, foreign exchange students, and curriculum movements lend themselves to united action, they pointed out. The N.S.A. will also give the College information on how other schools have solved common difficulties.

The delegates' report included a copy of the regional constitution, which took up most of the convention's time. The document centers N.S.A. activity within the individual member colleges rather than in one central organization.

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