Concentration Choices Of '49b Applications Swing to Government

3-Year Trend Shows Constant Rise as Economics Falls


Final compilations of the statistical distribution in choices of the class of 1949b for fields of concentration continue the growing trend in Government concentrators. With a total of 61, the selection leads the runner up, Economics, by 13 applicants.

Thus the Government Department shows a clear cut advance in popularity compared with the December selections of the class of 1949a, in which it exactly tied with Economics. These results contrast dramatically with the results of the Class of 1948, made on February 2, 1945.

Wartime Science Trend

Then with the war still on, a far greater emphasis on the sciences appeared. Economics, always a favorite, was still ahead with ten per cent of 300 students choosing it. But Chemistry came next with 24, and Biochemical Sciences held fourth place with 18, barely nosed out by English. Government ran fifth.

Engineering Sciences Third

Economics, in these latest returns, is a close second with 51 cards, and showing an absolute decline of less than one per cent. Engineering Sciences enrolled 32, holding third place as they did in the previous term.

Biochemical Sciences with 29, History with 28, History and Literature, and Social Relations each with 19 follow in the order of choices.

Classics and Philosophy for the first time in over a year broke into the tally sheet with one enrollment. The Atomic Age, however, failed to provide any concentrators in Electronic Physics.

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