Fenn Elected Permanent Class Secretary As '42 Goes To Polls

Permanent Class Committee And Class Day Committee Selected In Senior Elections


Abbott T. Fenn of Concord and Winthrop House was elected permanent class secretary yesterday when approximately 400 Seniors went to the polls to cast votes for 14 class officers. Richard G. Pfister of Edgemont, South Dakota and Winthrop House, and George W. Heiden of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Winthrop House, were top men in the voting for Class Day Committee and Permanent Class Committee.

The other Seniors elected to the Class Day Committee, in order of their total votes were: Vern K. Miller of Milwankee, Wisconsis and Winthrop House, Thomas Gardiner of Gardiner, Maine and Claverly Hall, John C. Finegan of Glucester and Winthrop House, Edward I. Rothschild of Winnetka, Illinois and Lowell House, George W. Webber of Des Moines, Iowa and Adams House, and Arthur T. Lyman, Jr. of Westwood and Claverly.

Following Heiden in the election for the Permanent Class Committee were Peter Macgowan of Brewster, New York and Adams House, William B. Parsons, Jr. of New York City and Eliot House, Charles B. Ayres of Wallingford, Connecticut and Winthrop House, Harry Newman, Jr. Of Beverly Hills and Adams House, and Coles Harison Phinizy of Ventnor, New Jersey and Kirkland.

Fenn, who garnered 83 votes to beat his nearest rival by four votes, is the Goalie on the Varsity Hockey Team. Graduated from Middlesex, Fenn was on both the Freshman Baseball and Hockey teams during his first year. Starting near the end of his Sophomore year, Fenn played as goalie for the Varsity Hockey team, and kept the position, right down through the present season, except for short periods. Fenn is also in charge of undergraduate House Athletics in Winthrop, and a member of the Undergraduate Athletic Council.

Twelve of the 14 men elected to the senior posts are distinguished Harvard athletes; football and basketball contributed the greatest number, although hockey players also figures prominently on the list of winners.

The election committee was headed by John Richardson, Jr. '43, and included three other Juniors, Adelbert Ames III, John J. Sullivan, and Thomas Matters, Jr. Peter Damman '42, headed the nominating committee. Election Results Class Secretary Abbott Thayer Fenn  83 Class Day Committee Richard Gordon Pfister  237 Vern Kenneth Miller  203 Thomas Gardiner  190 John Christopher Finegan  182 Edward Issac Rothschild  170 George Williams Webber  151 Arthur Theodore Lyman  134 Permanent Class Committee George William Heiden  199 Peter Macgowan  183 William Barclay Parsons, Jr.  176 Charles Burgess Ayres  155 Harry Newman, Jr.  153 Coles Harison Phinizy  151

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