Research Meteorologist at New York Internment Site


Immigration officials yesterday morning confirmed reports that Karl O. H. Lange, research meteorologist at the Blue Hills Observatory, had been sent to Camp Upon, Long Island, which is now being used as an internment camp. They declined to say if he would be there for the duration of the war.

Lange has been held in detention by the Department of Justice at the East Boston Immigration Station since the Pearl Harbor attack when FBI men took him into custody on suspicion as an ememy alien.

The Officers of the University had not been informed officially of the transfer, which was made when the decision of Lange's case came through from Washington.

Famous in Meteorology

A graduate of the University of Darmstadt, and a native of Weisbaden, Germany, Lange came to this country 11 years ago. He invented the "Weather balloon," which relays high-altitude weather conditions by means of a small transmitter. He taught Geography courses dealing with aeronautical meteorology.

His courses are being continued without deviating much from their former content. Charles F. Brooks, professor of meteorology and Director of the Blue Hills Observatory, had taken over from the beginning of the semester, but will put more emphasis on the forecasting of local weather conditions than did Dr. Lange.

When Lange came to this country, he made frequent flights for weather observation in the course of his work, later becoming very much interested in scaring and gliding.

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