Boston Gives Out Uniforms To Eight More '45 Gridders

Hopes Lighter Men Will Add Shiftiness


Eight more regular Freshman football uniforms have been given out in addition in the original 23 to swell the squad to 31 according to a statement made yesterday by Chief Boston, head coach of the Yardlings.

In contrast to the original squad which listed only five out of 23 players under 180 pounds, the added group of players are all in the 160's except one, Fred Woodruff, who tips the seales at 184.

Makes for More Speed

The addition of these lighter eight men is expected to inject a little more speed and shiftiness into the team. Daily scrimmages this week have shown that the squad has plenty of weight but lacks speed, especially in the backfield. To make up for this, Coach Boston has been trying out a few players from the better-than-average and squad in back-field positions.

Most of yesterday's practice was devoted to pass defense and blocking, ending up with a dummy scrimmage and then regular scrimmage between teams A and B, and C and D. Climaxing a week of stiff practice sessions, Coach Boston is planning an informal scrimmage at 3:50 o'clock this afternoon against the Jayvees in preparation for the opening game against Exeter a week from tomorrow.

Eight Newcomers

Among the eight newcomers are Fred Withington, 165-pound end from Exeter, and Dick Anderson, 160-pound guard, who was captain of the Salem High School team last year.

The following is a list of the eight new men:

Ends: George W. Casey, L. Bruce Smart, and Frederick B. Withington; Guards: Richard F. Andrews and Warren Carstensen; Center: Frederick Woodruff; Left Halfback: Edward B. Harding ; and Fullback; William A. Barron, 3rd.

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