Lowell Trails Last Year's Victor by Narrow Margin


The Kirkland Deacons are clinging to a narrow 4 1/2 point lead over Lowell as the annual House athletic derby rapidly nears its conclusion. Up-to-date figures give the Deacons 1432 1/2 points for their season's efforts as against 1428 for the Bellboys, with no other House having the slightest mathematical chance of placing.

Kirkland and Lowell have no more engagements with each other in any sports, but concluding games in hard and soft ball can conceivably swing the balance either way. Lowell is a decided underdog in the close battle because nothing it can do will oust Kirkland from first place if the Deacons simply win their last hard ball game of the year with Adams.

Winthrop Involved

There is another fly in Bellboy ointment, because in order to get a much-needed two-way tie for fourth in final softball standings, not only do they have to defeat Dudley, but Winthrop must drop both of its remaining contests with Leverett and Dudley. If Winthrop wins one of those games, there would be a three way tie for fourth and Lowell wouldn't get enough points to win.

If Lowell gets the breaks in the softball league and 35 points by finishing in a two-way tie for fourth, in addition to a Kirkland hardball defeat, it can squeak through to a 1548 to 1571 1/2 point win over the Deacons by beating Adams in hardball. Kirkland is a cinch third in the softball, good for 50 points, and seems to be a heavy favorite to win the Straus Trophy for the second successive year

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