
Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska Talks War Against Russia At Harvard IOP


Despite Disciplinary Threats, Pro-Palestine Protesters Return to Widener During Rally


After 3 Weeks, Cambridge Public Schools Addresses Widespread Bus Delays


Years of Safety Concerns Preceded Fatal Crash on Memorial Drive


Boston to Hold Hearing Over Uncertain Future of Jackson-Mann Community Center

Over 200 Couples to Attend '43's Jubilee


Ferdinand J. AchDorothy Stuhlberg, Lasell Oliver E. Allen  Charlotte Whitman, New York William H. Appel  Mary Lloyd, Boston Ryo Arai  Marjorie Baldwin, Stoneleigh College Shailer Avery  Elizabeth Gorman, Winchester Robert G. Axtel  Catherine Lawrence, Wellesley Winslow B. Ayer  Patricia Miller, Smith Edward R. Bacon  Adell Voss, Swampscott Grover C. Bacon  Jay Prince, Cambridge Edwin T. Baker  Mary Favorite, Brimmer-May School William H. Baker  Edith Alexander, Newton Stephen P. Baldwin  Joy Kidder, Concord Benjamin N. Barksdale  Janet Harwood, Beaver Richard S. Barrows  Helen Francis, Wellesley George Bartlett  Ann Folsom, Hingham Robert S. Benshimol  Patricia Dadmon, Arlington Bernard R. Benson  Sybil Hart, Packer Institute Robert G. Bigelow  Marian Prentiss, Columbus, Ohio Carroll Binder, Jr.  Carol Jones, Wellesley Nathaniel L. Blanchard  Lee Burnett, Southborough Charles M. Bliss  Margaret Soule, Wellesley Richard M. Bloch  Betty Hinkle, Brookline Edward J. Broderick  Mary Ferguson, Clinton John C. Bullard  Hephizibah McWeebles, Dunkling-on-Charles John M. Bullitt  Helen Sarazin, Cambridge William E. Bunce  Frances Fuhrer, Bradford Junior College John P. Burnham  Jean Drake, Winchester Curtis A. Bush  Ruth Thomas, Wellesley Evan Calkins  Jean Fitz, Brookline Sherman B. Cawley  Dorothy Warren, Beaver Jean de Chadenedes  Ethel Frye, New York John B. Chadwick  Alice Ely, Farmington Vincent J. Charte, Jr.  Edith Barnes, Middleton Charles F. Choate  Josette Daley, New York William W. Cleveland  Esther Stevens, Simmons John MacG. Cochrane  Harriet Hayes, Simmons Richard J. Comey  Posy Kent, Brookline Eliot J. Connor  Phyllis M. Dunn, New Bedford Edward H. Cook  Myra Martin, New York Paul W. Cook  Lorraine Salsmen, Radcliffe James F. Cooney  Mary Frances Northrup, Hopedale Gilbert Corwin  Elaine McCune, Bradford Junior College Gerard H. Coster, Jr.  Bernice Epstein, Brooklyn, N. Y. Kieran H. Culliton  Jean MacLaughlin, Brimmer-May School Lewis S. Dabney  Joan Edmonds, New York Willard Dalrymple  Christina Rossetti, Rye Beach David J. Davis  Mary Marsh, Wellesley Henry H. Dearing, Jr.  Rena Zary, Cleveland Wheeler Dennis, Jr.  Peggy Lewis, Packer Institute John W. Dixon  Audrey Armstrong, Pembroke Donald H. Eldredge, Jr.  Betty McClure, Wellesley Robert Ellery  Fanny Gassett, Perkins Olaf H. Fernald  Lucille Ogden, Wellesley Philip St. G. Field  Becky Farnsworth, Winchester Gabriel P. Freedman  Geraldine Cohn, Radcliffe Sanford J. Freedman  Sue Cohen, Skidmore Stanley A. Freedman  Joyce Beskind, Great Neck, N. Y. John R Friar  Virginia Ranney, Weston Maurice S. Friedman  Sally Baker, Radcliffe Raymond Friedman  Elayne Frank, New York University James L. Gamble, Jr.  Penelope Ladd, Radcliffe Benjamin O. Gardiner  Alice Hunsaker, Boston Samuel L. Gittler  Bette Lipkin, Vassar Eliot R. Godin  Petta Dine, Sargent College Frederick C. Goetz  Marian Lippincott, Bradford Morton N. Gondelman  Dodie Bloom, Brookline Richard Le B. Goodwin  Bess Ogden, Pine Manor Morris Gray  Martha Turner, Cambridge David N. Harris  Ann Jo Woodward, Winchester Richard Harte, Jr.  Jackie de Sieges, Vassar Fredrick B. Harvey, Jr.  Pussy Cassidy, Easton, Md. William H. Haskell  Virginia Grant, Weston Abram W. Hatcher  Margaret Gaft, Cambridge Robert A. Hawkins  Virginia Garland, Mt. Ida Peter J. Hearst  Gretchen Thannhauser, Brookline Richard Henry, Jr.  Martha Elliott, Wellesley Carl M. Herbert, Jr.  Ann Whitter, Cambridge Richard Herr  Posy Platt, Wellesley Thomas A. J. Herzford  Gay Crosby, Wellesley Henry R. Heyburn  Phoebe Rotch, Boston John W. Hird, II  Patricia German Richard A. Hirschfield  Betty Johnson, Marblehead William A. Hoftyzer  Jo Parrish, Smith Robert H. Hoskins  Marguerite Allen, Wheelock William K. Humphrey  Juliet Crowder, Wellesley Robert T. Hurley  Phebe Perry, Vassar Albert F. Hyde, II  Alison Gilman, Winsor School Carl H. Imlay  Barbara Cosgrovo, Simmons, Sidney C. Jackson  Julie Ann Dolan, Simmons Eugene P. Johnson  Barbara Sommes, Simmons Charles W. Joyce  Jane Hill, Sarah Lawrence Summer R. Katze  Clare Werther, Endicott Maxwell Kaufer  Doroty Cohen, Wellesley George T. Kelton  Lydia Vorillov, Radcliffe Caleb Kendall  Phyllis Thompson, Belmont Robert B. Kent  Jane Schultz, Palm Beach Samuel L. Kent  Jean Ellen duPont, Wilmington, Del. Theodore S. Kenyon, Jr.  Jean White, Wellesley Drue King, Jr.  Hope Imes, Wellesley Henry P. King, Jr.  Sylvia Choate, Boston Hayward S. Kirby, Jr.  Happy Burke Louis R. Kroll  Mary Milnor, Dalton School Stanley Lampert  Charlotte Sheinkopf, Boston James P. Lannon, II  Betsy Nilson, St. Catherine's William H. Latimer, Jr.  Deedee Dunham Endicott Junior College Allan L. Levine  Sue Rogers, Brookline Dean B. Lewis  Jeanne H. Grange, Beaver Burton R. Lewkowitz  Dura Toures, Penn Hall Mark Linenthal, Jr.  Shirley Mitchell, Radcliffe Robert M. Lockwood  Ann Flick, Philadelphia Caleb Loring, Jr.  Betty Weaver, Andover Alfred Lurie  Garry Penne William G. Lyle, Jr.  Helen Farnsworth, Winchester Richard F. Manegold  Sheiler Frazzler, Pine Manor Charles C. Marshall, Jr.  Mary Huffs, Miss Wheeler's David Martin  Gertrude-Adeie Benjamin, Watertown Philip E. M. Mayor  Pamela Haworth, Boston Donald E. McNichol  Doris Eques, Flushing N. Y. James R. Mellman  Yolande Romsey, Boston University Albert W. Merck  Deborah Law, Boston Norman Meyer  Judith Marsh, Wellesley James N. Miller  Margaret Forsythe, Wellesley Maynard M. Miller  Audrey Leighton, Wellesley Hills Richard G. Mintz  Rosanne Saftil, Brookline Samuel J. Mixter  Vallory Willis, New York Robert M. Moore, Jr.  Kay Morley, Wellesley William S. Moore, Jr.  Mary Blackwell, Farmington Berkeley D. More  Sue Hoover, Wellesley Charles H. Morin  Billie Loftus, Miss Wheelock's Clarendon Mower, Jr.  Mary Anderson, Bradford Junior College James A. Murphy, Jr.  Helen Eggart, Radcliffe Howard T. Oedel  Carolyn Townsend, Walnut Hill School Harry O'Hare  Pauline Callahan, Wellesley Shelby H. Page  Polly Faulkner, Cambridge William B. Patterson  Lee Deming, Smith Ferdinand L. L. Pecci-Blunt  Katherine Sands, New York Robert W. Perkins  Marjorie Parker, Smith Ray P. Perry  Elizabeth Thompson, Pine Manor Richard W. Peters  Elinor Peters, Concord Edward S. Peterson  Zika Bakeef, Weston Frederick W. Phinney  Betins Townsend, Belmont Parker de S. Pitts  Ruth Hallenbrook, Brookline David A. Poole, Jr.  Bolling Bird, Winsor Ralph H. Potter  Mary Jane Taliagerro, Bradford Junior College Stewart E. Power  Elizabeth Rockefeller, Miss Wheelock's Joseph C. Prince  Isabelle Klein, Chelsea George E. Putnam, Jr.  Margaret Harper, New York William McN. Rand, Jr.  Alice Smith, Concord Charles E. Reed, Jr.  Margie Brodee, New York Dana Reed  Shirley Letts, Wellesley Kenneth I. Richter  Rose Rowe, Bridgewater Peter B. Robinson  Nancy Bennit, Dana Hall Paul V. Roche  Edith M. Grace, State Teachers' College, Bridgewater Walter F. Rogers, Jr.  Bette Towers, Vassar Thomas A. Rogstad  Suzanne Harsh, Wells College, N. Y. Donald Ross  Nancy Kjellberg, Radcliffe Bertram S. Roth  Mary Martin, Radcliffe Armand P. Ruderman  Sybil Pilshaw, State Normal School, Bridgewater Archibald L. Ruprecht  Grace Cheney, Concord Fritz M. Sarbi  Eva Aninger, Smith Robert C. C. St. George, Jr.  Margot Black, Winsor Peter B. Saltonstall  Edith Winsor, Weston Richard C. Sanborn  Peggy Blumer, Wellesley Allen D. Sapp, Jr.  Elsie L. Jones, The Baldwin School Compton Sargent  Cynthia Sargent, Beaver Country Day Edward L. Sawyer  Mary L. Larson, Watertown Mark P. Schalefer  June Yosell, Swampscott John M. Scanlon  Martha Hastings, Clinton Mark P. Schorger  Diana Fraser, Radcliffe James L. Schwab, Jr.  Lucy Milner, Dalton School Lionel a. Schwartz  Marcia Rosen, Boston Joseph C. Scott  Jeanne Owens, Belmont Thomas W. Sears, Jr.  Mande Fellowes, Jamestown, R. I. John R. Shattuck  Mardi Dickson, Endicott Junior College Melvin I. Shoul  Anne T. Joyce, Trinity Ralph T. Siegler  Zelda Sobel, Brooklyn College Herbert R. Silverman  Connie Flint, Newton Center David L. Simon  Bernice Sondelman, Brookline Andrew E. Smith  Jacqulyn Saunders Kennedy Smith  Winkie van Linnop, Philadelphia Francis E. Stanley  Peggy Tumbull, Wellesley Samuel K. Stewart  Nyllis Gardner, Endicott Junior College Galen L. Stone  Nancy Vogel, Brookline William R. Taylor  Ellen Sutherland, Connecticut Women's College Henry A. Tilghman  Isabelle Foster, Milton Charles H. Tobias, Jr.  Carol Flarsheim, Brookline Robert H. Troescher  Doris Goerger, Lynbrook Byron E. Varn Rarette, Jr.  Virginia Seay, Vassar John H. Vaughan  Patricia Adams, Wellesley George Waissbord-Solovieff  Marguerite Madden, Winsor Morton Waldstein  Marie Core Duffy, Vassar Rufus F. Walker  Susan Strong, Dover Willard M. Waterous  Barbara Phair, Mount Holyoke College George F. Waters  Ann Clarke, Beaver Country Day Frank J. Webster  Jean Gebhard, Pine Manor John Wingate Weeks, II  Sally Cole, North Andover Clifford E. Weihman  Louise Brown, New York Joseph D. Welsh  Helen Cronin, Milton Frederick G. Whoriskey  Marjorie Griggs, Wellesley David Wise, Jr.  Charlotte Mendelsohn, Brookline Atwood C. Wolf, Jr.  Jayne Stevens, Boston William A. Wolfe  Betty Joe Coffey, Smith Mark Yohalom  Elsa Shore, Radcliffe Peter C. Zoophel  Virginia Marston, Chestnut Hill

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