Doubtless the University official who has the job of seeing that there is a classroom for every class is occasionally hard-put to find space for a group of eager students "to grow in wisdom." Only thus can one explain Government 8 meeting in the Biology Lab. But shades of Der Fuehrer! this has gone too far. A German A section meets in the Semitic Museum.

* * *

Speaking of museums, brings to mind a touching little item in the history of Fogg Art Museum's publicity efforts. It seems that the directors of the Fogg arranged for an exhibit of native African jewelfy, ceremonial masks, fetish figures, and other nick knacks so dear to the home-loving jungle resident. A report of the exhibit appeared in several newspapers.

Shortly came this letter:

"Publicity Director,

Harvard University.

"May I suggest a tie-up in an African Festival of your African Exhibit with the SHOGOLA ALOBA, the native African dancers from the Awassa, Temeni, Kru, Mendi, and Asaba Tribes of West Africa.

"The SHOGOLA ALOBA consists of twenty-six native Africans, all professional performers from the various tribes in West Africa. The cast includes:

1. The authentic Witch Doctor from the Awassa Tribe, who was featured last year in the African Exhibit at the "Century of Progress."

2. Professional primitive instrumentalists, using their native instruments: the Sangby, Mabusa, Batta, Tabulla, etc.

3. The director, Asada ta Dafora, himself a native of Sierra Leone, an accomplished interpretive dancer who has given a series of recitals sponsored by royalty in the capitols of England, Belgium, and Germany.

"The performances by the SHOGOLA ALODA of their African Jabawa, tribal rhythmics, and scenes from native African life are unusually interesting, genuinely artistic, and extremely attractive."

Thusly wrote the SHOGOLA ALOBA's concert manager. If the Fogg lays a wet blanket on his approaches, we might perhaps try the Democratic National Convention.

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