Harvard University, by its willingness to sit down around a conference table with representatives of its employees has given ample proof. that it is a fully enlightened employer. Despite the fact that dining hall employees are paid full union wages, and that Harvard was unique in that it made no salary cut during the depression the waitresses have a legitimate demand in that they do not receive any tips. It is essentially this, together with the usual demands for recognition and a closed shop, that is being discussed in the conference now going on in Mr. Durant's office.

In regard to the possibility of an increased wage scale for dining hall employees it is well to keep in mind the fact that the halls are totally supported by student's term bills, and do not now operate at a profit.

The demand for a closed shop, however, is an entirely different matter. Implying as it does a complete monopoly for one union, the closed shop is incompatible with a liberal university tradition of the maximum of freedom for all its members, students, and employees, alike in educational and other fields. Unless Harvard has decided to abandon this policy of a maximum of freedom, the closed shop demand must be firmly repulsed.

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