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First Class of Harvard's Fourth Century Will Have 1050 Members---Many Returning for Tercentenary

Members of 1940 Will Register in Union--Yard Rooms Will Be Opened


More than one-third of the members of the new Freshman Class have signified their intention of returning to the Tercentenary Celebration on September 16, 17, and 18. Special plans for the Class of 1940 are being made and complete living accommodations will be supplied in the Harvard Yard.


Dean Leighton, foster parent to all Yardlings, will set up a registration booth at the Union on Quincy Street and room assignments will be made there. Meals will be served in that building and tickets, instructions, etc., can be obtained there.

The Undergraduate Tercentenary Committee, headed by Thomas H. Quinn '36, and John B. Bowditch '37, is working overtime making arrangements for the undergraduate celebration.


The program opens at 4 o'clock on Wednesday, September 16, with a reception for undergraduate delegates at Eliot House. Bowditch will open the meeting with a short address of welcome and will then introduce Dean Hanford who will make a speech as the official representative of the College. Mr. H. R. X. d'Aeth, official undergraduate representative from Cambridge University, England, will reply to this. John M. Potter, Senior Tutor of Eliot House, will then talk as a representative of that House, being followed by W. A. Carlile, Jr., of Princeton University. The meeting will be closed by the presentation of medals to all delegates.

Harvard Clubs Meeting

On the following day all undergraduates are invited to attend the meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs in the new Tercentenary Theatre. This opens at 10 o'clock. The program is as follows:

Assembly--10.30 A.M.

Invocation by Minot Simons, '91.

Presentation of greetings to the University from all Harvard Clubs, together with a history of each club and a roster of its present members. These manuscripts will be presented by each regional vice-president for the clubs in his division, the delegates of such clubs to participate in the exercises. The President of the Associated Harvard Clubs, Elliott C. Cutler, '09, will then present all of the greetings to the President of the University.

Address by the President of the University, including a report of the contents of the package sealed in 1836 by President Josiah Quincy (to be opened at a pro forma meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association in the Faculty Room, University Hall, on Tuesday, September 8), and the sealing of a new package to be opened by the President of Harvard University in 2036.


Addresses by undergraduates:--

Rendings T. Fels, '39, of Cincinnati, Ohio: "Freshmen in the Yard."

Norman L. Cahners, '36, of Bangor, Maine: "The Changing Attitude toward Athletics."

Edward O. Miller, '37, of St. Louis, Misseuri. "The Undergraduate of Today."

An Ode to Harvard by Robert Frost, '01.

Unveilling of a bust of Dean Briggs--Professor Joseph H. Beale, '82.

Presentation of gifts to the University by the Harvard Alumni of China and the Harvard Club of Japan.

Music--"Tercentenaria" (Harvard medley).

Address by a distinguished guest.

Election of officers and roll call of all former Presidents of the Associated Harvard Clubs.

Presentation of the President's Cup, and induction of new officers.

"Fair Harvard."


This programme, like the other principal events of the Celebration, will be broadcast over an international hook-up through the courtesy of the National Broadcasting Company, the Columbia Broadcasting System, and the World-Wide Broadcasting Foundation (W1XAL).

Lunch will be served in the Union after this meeting breaks up (around 1.30 o'clock). In the afternoon there will be an exhibition football practise on Soldiers Field. Dick Harlow, football coach, will be in charge here, and it will be a good opportunity to see this year's players. The Harvard band will play and march in formation.

After dinner that evening the river front by the houses will be illuminated and there will be an exhibition of fireworks. Following this the undergraduates who have returned to Cambridge will form a torch light parade and march to the statue of John Harvard in the Yard. Following this there will be a free pop-concert dance in Memorial Hall for all undergraduates. Freshmen will be admitted and girls may be entertained at dinner that evening.

On Friday evening there will be an Undergraduate Tercentenary Dinner at the Harvard Club of Boston. If any tickets are left over members of the Class of 1940 will be allowed to attend, but it is doubtful if this will be possible.

The official pass admitting to all these meetings will be given out to all members of the Class of 1940 beginning on Monday, September 14, at the Union on Quincy Street. All Freshmen should make inquiries there about all matters.

Friday Meeting

The notes of a bugle sounding through the Yard, at 9.30 on the morning of Friday, September 18, rallying the alumni to assembly, will give notice that the hour for the climactic event in Harvard's Tercentenary Celebration is at hand.

Those familiar with the history of the Bicentennial know that "at an early hour on September 8, all roads leading to Cambridge were thronged with carriages, chaises, omnibuses, and long lines of pedestrians pouring into town." A similar influx, but on a much larger scale, is anticipated for this year's Celebration.

Within the Old Yard, in order that everyone may know where to go, some eighty-six flags will be flying at various stations of assembly; one, for each class having a living member, and one for each of the graduate schools, whose alumni may not be graduates of Harvard College. The oldest classes will be placed at the head of the column, between University Hall and Weld Hall. The bugle will sound a ready signal at 9.40, and at a third signal, given at 9.45, the column, headed by the Class of 1860 and the Chief Marshal, will begin to march, in columns of four, into the Tercentenary Theatre.

A map of the Theatre is given on this page. Its 14,890 seats will occupy the area bounded by University and Sever Halls on the West and East, and by the Memorial Church and Widener Library on the North and South. The great outdoor theatre will contrast interestingly with the much smaller Meeting House and Pavilion where the Bicentennial observances were held. The platform at the North end (sketched by the late Charles A. Coolidge and completed after his death by his associates) will be architecturally an extension of the Memorial Church. It will be decorated with appropriate banners and the Harvard arms. A smaller platform for the Harvard Tercentenary Chorus and a band will also have been erected on the East side of University Hall.

As the alumni column enters the Tercentenary Theatre between Weld and University Halls, some 3,000 guests of the University will already be in place, having entered by the gate on Broadway between Robinson Hall and Hunt Hall. The column, marching to music of the Harvard University Band, will pass in front of Widener and turn up the main aisle, occupying seats to the left of the aisle, occupying seats to the left of the aisle, beginning with the front.

Students and Teaching Officers

While the alumni are forming in the Old Yard, the undergraduates, and students of the graduate schools in the University, will be forming their column in Sever Quadrangle, each class or school with its banner. As the alumni enter these students will simultaneously occupy seats on the East side of the Tercentenary Theatre.

The Academic Procession

Meanwhile, inside Widener Library, the Academic Procession will have been forming, each group in a special room. These groups are to include the following:

The Corporation; the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

The Board of Overseers.

Some twelve or fifteen ambassadors and ministers representing those countries whose scholars are to receive Honorary Degrees.

The United State Harvard Tercentenary Commission, created by Public Resolution Number 87, and including the President and Vice-President of the United States, the Speaker of the House, and four persons appointed by each of these.

Other governmental dignitaries, including high-ranking Federal and State officials; the Governor, Cabinet Members, and others.

The clergy, especially representatives of the six original parishes of Cambridge, Watertown, Boston, Charlestown, Dorchester, and Roxbury, whose ministers made up, with the magistrates, the College's original Board of Overseers.

The recipients of Honorary Degrees: sixty-six scholars who, as participants in the Tercentenary Conference of Arts and Sciences, will have been sharing the results of their recent investigations with other members of the learned world between August 31 and September 12.

Delegates from other universities, colleges, and learned societies, to the number of nearly 600, representing over 450 institutions.

Professors and Associate Professors of the University.

At about 10.10 there will be a fanfare of four trumpets, the doors of Widener will open, and the Academic Procession will emerge: a colorful sight with its many-hued academic gowns, including the scarlet of Oxford and Cambridge, worn by a number of the Harvard faculty as well as by many of the guests. The various groups will march in the inverse order of rank, the professors first and President Conant and President Lowell marching last. The procession will be headed by the Sheriffs of Middlesex and Suffolk: a time-honored custom dating from the period when the boisterousness of Commencement made advisable the presence of representatives of the law.

Marching up the main aisle to the platform, the various groups in the procession will be seated by the Marshals and ushers according to their rank, with the Corporation occupying seats in front.

The Programme of the Meeting

After all are seated (which, it is hoped, will be achieved by 10.30), the Chief Marshal, advancing to the center of the platform, will make the traditional request, "Mr. Sheriff, pray give us order"; and the Sheriff of Middlesex, rapping thrice on the platform with the scabbard of his sword, will say, "The meeting will be in order."

The Marshal will then call for the invocation, which will be delivered by Dean Sperry, Chairman of the Board of Preachers. Professor Edward Kennard Rand will next be called upon for a Latin Oration of welcome. Professor Samuel Eliot Morison, official Historian of the University, will make a brief recital of the events constitution the founding of Harvard College, beginning with the vote of the General Court, and ending with the Charter of 1650.

After a chorale by the Tercentenary Chorus, His Excellency the Governor of Massachusetts will present the greetings of the Commonwealth.

President Conant will then deliver the Oration.

After another chorale will come the bestowal of Tercentenary honors, in the form of honorary degrees to sixty-six distinguished scholars, chosen for their eminance in scholarship, and not as delegates or in any representative capacity.

Finally, the whole gathering, nearly 15,000 people, will join the Chorus in singing, "Oh God, Our Help in Ages Past," and the benediction will be pronounced by the Rt. Rev. William Lawrence. The Academic Procession will then leave the platform in the order of rank, the audience remaining until the procession has left the Theatre. The morning exercises will be over, it is anticipated, between 12.30 and 12.45.

At two o'clock, the alumni and dignitaries will reassemble in the Old Yard. This time the Academic Procession, minus those professors of the University who are to join their alumni classes, will also from in the Yard, in front of Holworthy and Thayer Halls. The march into the Theatre will commence soon after two o'clock, and should be finished by 2.30.

The students will assemble in the Sever Quadrangle.

The Afternoon Exercises

This afternoon meeting is under the auspices of the Harvard Alumni Association, and is conducted not by the University but by the Association, which has elected former President Abbott Lawrence Lowell as "President of the Day"--to use the terminology of 1836. He will be accompanied by the President of the Alumni Association, Hon. Learned Hand.

Mr. Lowell will call the meeting to order, and will introduce several distinguished guests as speakers, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt, '04. There will be four musical items on the programme, which will begin with the 72nd Psalm (always sung at Commencement), and end with "Fair Harvard."

And, even as President Quincy moved "that this assembly of the Alumni be adjourned to meet at this place on the 8th of September, 1936," so President Conant, the final speaker, will conclude his remarks by making a formal motion of adjournment to the year 2036.PRESIDENT-EMERITUS LOWELL To Attend

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