Twelve Men Appointed for Period of One Year, Other Two Will Serve for Shorter Terms


Fourteen new assistants on the College faculty were announced yesterday:

David Rutstein, of Wilkes-Barre, Pennslyvania, S.B. Harvard '30, M.D. '34, in Bacteriology, until Feb. 1, 1937. Stephen D. Tuttle, of Parkersburg, West Virginia, A.B. Dennison University '29, A.M. Harvard '31, in Music, for the first half of the academic year.

For one year from Sept. 1, 1936:

Harold H. Haskin, of New Brunswick, New Jersey, B.S. Rutgers '36, in Biology. Charles Heimsch, Jr., of Dayton, Ohio, A.B. Miami University '36, in Biology. Warren C. Lothrop, of Brookline, Massachusetts, A.B. Harvard '33, A.M. '35, in Chemistry. Samuel P. Chew, of West River, Maryland, A.B. St. John's College '31, A.M. Harvard '32, in English. John Lydenberg, of Scarsdale, New York, A.R. Oberlin '34, in English. Joshna McClennen, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, A.B. Harvard '35, in English. George R. Mayberry, of East Orange, New Jersey, A.B. Princeton '34, in English. Charles J. Olson, of Gloucester, Massachusetts, A.B. Wesleyan '32, A.M. '33, in English. Albert R. Elliott, of St. Louis, Missouri, A.B. Westminster College, Mo. '35, in Government. Warren R. Isom, of Mitchell, Indians, A.B. Butler University '31, A.M. George Washington University '33, in Government. Rufus G. Hall, Jr., of Sherman, Texas, A.B. University of Texas '33, A.M. '35, in Government. Charles H. Malik of Hellopolis, Egypt A.B. American University of Heirut '27, A.M. Harvard '34, in Philosophy.

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