Pierian Dances Tonight, and Gives Concert Sunday Night

Program Includes Works of Beethoven, Bach, and Wagner


Opening a strenuous weekend with a dance at Longwood Towers at 8 o'clock Saturday night, the Pierian Sodality will present a concert at the same place Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock.

William W. Austin '39, pianist, will be the featured soloist in a program that includes works by Beethoven, Bach, and Wagner. The complete program follows: Overture to Egmont  Beethoven Minuet; Gavotte  C.P. Wood Choral Prelude  Bach Symphony in G minor, no. 40  Mozart Prelude to Act III, Lohengrin  Wagner Plano Group Aufschwung Elfe Nachtstuck  Schumann Valso in E  Maskowski Soloist-Austin March from Tannhauser  Wagner

The dance committee headed by Robert F. Dine '37, Winthrop H-32, including Fred P. Glike '37, William V. Smith '37, and Lemuel B. Hunter '37, has arranged for music by Ned Marshall's "Crimson Club" orchestra, and refreshments for all. A Cinderella slipper dance, balloon dances, and elimination dances are a few of the amusements in store for those who attend. Subscriptions at $2.00 may be obtained from Dine or at the door.

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