Program for "Freshman Week" September 20 to 25


Friday, September 20

All Freshmen will register between 10 and 5 o'clock in Memorial Hall.

6.30 o'clock. Buffet supper at the Union.

7.30 o'clock. Reception for new students in the Large Dining Hall of the Union. The speakers will be: President Conant, Mr. Charles Allerton Collidge, Jr., a member of the Corporation, and the Reverend Willard Learoyd Sperry, Dean of the Divinity School. Dean Leighton will preside.

Saturday, September 21

8.45 o'clock. Fifteen-minute Service in Memorial Chapel, conducted by the Reverend Willard Learoyd Sperry, Chairman of the Board of Preachers.

9 o'clock. The Freshman Class and other new students are required to attend a meeting at this hour in the New Lecture Hall, at which various matters concerning the choice of studies will be discussed. Dean Hanford, Walter B. Briggs, Assistant Librarian of Widener Library, and Dean Leighton will speak.

10 o'clock. Appointments for conferences with Faculty Advisers. Each Freshman should go at once to his Faculty Adviser and make an appointment for a conference to discuss his choice of studies. He should be sure to take with him the study card which he received in his registration envelope. This card, properly filled out and signed by the Adviser, should be handed in as soon as possible at University Hall, Room C; it must be in before 5.00 o'clock on Monday, September 23.

2 o'clock. Reading examinations in French and German in Emerson D.

8 o'clock. Informal meeting of new students in the large dining hall of the Union. William J. Bingham, '16, Director of Athletics, J. Neil Stahley, Freshman Football Coach, Kenneth N. Marshall, '21, Secretary of the Union, and John R. Haley, captain of the Football Team, will speak. Moving pictures of athletics will be shown. Assistant Dean Chauncey will preside.

Sunday, September 22

11 o'clock. Special service for new students in the University Memorial Chapel. The Reverend Willard Learoyd Sperry will preach.

Monday, September 23

8.45 o'clock. Fifteen-minute Service in the University Memorial Chapel, conducted by Professor George David Birkhoff, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

11 to 1 o'clock. Conferences with Faculty Advisers.

4 o'clock. Preliminary meeting of English A in New Lecture Hall.

5 o'clock. Study cards of Freshmen must be handed in at University Hall, Room C, before this hour.

7.30 o'clock. Annual Phillips Brooks House Association Reception to new students. The leaders of various undergraduate extra-curricular activities, including the Presidents of the CRIMSON, Lampoon, Advocate, Glee Club, Instrumental Clubs, and Phillips Brooks House Association, will speak. There will be music and refreshments.

Tuesday, September 24

8.45 o'clock. Chapel conducted by President Conant.

10 o'clock. Preliminary meeting of English 1 for new Freshmen.

12 o'clock. Preliminary meeting of German A in New Lecture Hall.

2 o'clock. Physical Training and Hygiene Lecture in New Lecture Hall. All new Freshmen are required to attend this meeting.

4 o'clock. Preliminary meeting of French 2 in New Lecture Hall.

Wednesday, September 25, and Thursday, September 26

First regular meetings of all courses under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences are held on these days at the hours and places indicated in a notice which is given to students in their registration envelopes.

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