"Women in Public Affairs" Presents Quandary As Princeton Receives $25,000 Gift for Lectures

Harvard, Yale and Columbia Refuse Grant Under Will of Former Massachusetts Attorney


Princeton, N. J., March 15--Though Harvard, Yale, and Columbia have all refused a bequest of $25,000 each for lectures on women in public affairs, Princeton still has half that amount on its hands because it agreed to accept the gift. The grant was made in the will of the late Albert E. Pillsbury, former attorney-general of Massachusetts, who believed "that the modern feminist movement tends to take woman out of the home and put her into politics government, or business, and that this has already begun to impair the family as the basis of civilization and the measure of its advance."

To date Princeton has only been paid $10,500 on account, because of shrinkage in the estate's assets. For the last year the officials in Nassau Hall have refused to touch either interest or principal. Rumor has it that the original inflation was to let the money be spent in same way by the new School of Public Affairs.

By the terms of the Pillsbury will, the income from the $25,000 must be "applied by a lectureship or in such other manner as the college authorities may from time to time deem most effective, toward creating or developing sound public opinion and action upon this subject." Because of this broad terminology, the Princeton students who will be forced to hear the lectures on feminism are still uncertain as to whether they will be urged to campaign for or against the woman in the home.

The embarrassed officials stated that they will have nothing to say about disposition of the bequest until "further investigations, consultations, etc. are completed." Wags compared the University to a proud but modest hen, couched on a whole nestful of golden eggs, firmly discouraging the query: "How come?"

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