Strictly Speaking


With the Roosevelt Administration making a awing to the Right in anticipation of November's elections, Felix Frankfurter is receiving mud from the New Dealers and Republican alike.

Some who make a habit of criticizing the "most influential man in America" assign to Frankfurter the authorship of Senator Robinson's reply to Al Smith's Liberty League speech--in spite of the fact that it is quite obvious to close observers that the ghost was Charles Michelson, ace New Deal publicity man.

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Twenty million dollars was the minimum goal first set for the Tercentenary Fund. Then someone thought of the Depression and it was decided to abandon the previously publicized goal and accept all and any contributions. To date over two million dollars has been pledged.

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Prominently mentioned as Dean Pound's successor are Charles E. Hughes, Jr., Judge Robert P. Patterson of New York, and Austin W. Scott of the Law School faculty.

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Onetime professor of English at Harvard, William Allan Neilson will announce his resignation as president of Smith College this spring--to take effect probably in June 1937.

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An opus from the pen of Thomas Wolfe ("Of Time and the River") was recently plagiarized by a student in an English composition course. No admirer of a best-selling author, the instructor rated Mr. Wolfe B minus.

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While on a comprehensive tour of Memorial Hall under the guidance of the Vagabond, we noted the other day the twin of the John Harvard statue in the Yard. This second Mr. Harvard is coarse-featured and without the refinement of his Yard counterpart.

Constructed of papier-mache for he Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary, the figure is a copy of the Daniel Chester French statue and of approximately the same dimensions. After the colonial celebration it was given to the University and now collects dust on the west balcony of Memorial Hall.

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