Dance Scheduled for Ten O'clock This Evening--President and Mrs. Conant To Attend


Final plans for the Freshman Jubilee were completed yesterday, and the dance is scheduled to begin this evening at 10 o'clock. President and Mrs. Conant are to be on hand for the affair, it was announced last night by the dance committee.

The patronesses who will be in the receiving line for the dance are as follows: Mesdames Thomas H. Bilodean, Reginald W. Bird, Henry Chauncey, James B. Conant, Ethan A. Dennison, John Homans, Robert L. Hoguet, Charles W. Hubbard, Jr., Herbert Jaques, Delmar Leighton, Henry B. Prout, Samuel J. Tomasello, Henry B. Schmidt, and Roger S. Warner.

The music will be supplied by the orchestras of Jackie Marshard and Bert Lowe; who will play from opposite ends of the dining hall in the Union. Entertainment will be furnished by Lew Conrad and Billy Traske.

The ushers for the dance will be: Herbert James, head usher; Francis P. Allen, John E. Brassil, Jr., Louis Carr. John J. Colony. Perry J. Culver, Robert B. Delano, Leo A. Ecker, James J. Fold. Garrow T. Geer, Jr., Estill S. Heyser, Jr., Charles W. Hubbard, 3rd., William B. Lovering, Frank J. Owen. Anthony J. D. Paul, and Allen T. Winmill.

The 1937 Red Book will be distributed during the dance. Freshmen who have already subscribed will be given their copy if they will bring their credit slips.

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