In one day Harvard lost its outstanding defensive back and its most successful offensive player as Doc Thorndike placed both Freddy Moseley and Elley Jackson on the injured list. Moseley is doomed to the sidelines until the Yale game, but Jackson's condition is described as "doubtful" with regard to the Army invasion this weekend.

Losing both of these stars at once is a major tragedy. Moseley has been the only consistent ground gainer and passer in the games so far, though all season he has been troubled by an injury, just as last year a broken ankle put him on the bench during the first few weeks of practice. His co-star in the backfield, the 187-pound Jackson, has been a bulwark of defense in every encounter of the season and lately has even taken over the role of a running back.

If Jackson is held out of the West Point clash, Eddie Casey will have to start a backfield that contains only Bob Haley from the trio of top-flight performers Harvard had expected to rely on. Chet Litman will probably take Moseleys' place at left half, with Fergie Locke going in at times to do his speed specialty. George Hedblom will probably continue as the No. 1 right half back, while the other Sophomores, Bilodeau, Ford, Blackwood, Ecker, Watt, and McTernan will fill in the gaps.

Meantime the "show must go on," "the mail must get through", etc. so practice continued as usual with a 30 minute scrimmage with the Jayvees and a demonstration of Army plays. Just to make the session unusually tough for the end squad, the second string, consisting of Jim Gaffney, Garrow Geer, Norm Cabners, and Dick Sullivan, took turns playing against each other, one pair serving on both the Jayvee and Varsity teams.

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