All Members of Squad See Action as They Go Through Scrimmage--Team Shows Up Well


The first cut of the season in the Varsity Hockey squad was made yesterday afternoon after practice by Coach Joseph Stubbs '20; the unwieldy squad of 65 men was pared down to 48. This number includes all the original goalies, since Stubbs did not feel that he had seen sufficient play to make a cut in this department. Due to the fact that yesterday was only the second day of practice, the cut was not as large as has been the case in other years, when the first slash has usually brought the squad down to less than 40 stickmen.

Practice in Two Groups

The squad, practicing in two groups, went through strenuous scrimmages yesterday afternoon. All members of the squad saw action during the course of the scrimmages for at least a few minutes. In addition to last year's lettermen, all of whom showed up well, E. H. Robbins '35 was outstanding.

The first game of the season is with M.I.T. on December 15; the Engineers are not expected to furnish particularly stiff opposition, but the Crimson skaters will have a real test when they meet McGill on December 17 at the Garden.

As usual, the season will be climaxed by a series of games with Yale. Last year's championship team downed the Eli pucksters in three hard-fought games.

The following men have been retained on the Varsity Squad:

Ian Baldwin '33, G. M. Bartol '33, Benjamin Beale '34, W. P. Black '34, W. D. Boardman '35, R. A. Braggiotti '33, E. F. Butler ocC., J. A. Carr '35, G. T. Clapp '34, J. C. Cort '35, H. M. David '34, P. deB. deGive '34, R. A. Dow '35, W. C. Everett '33, B. S. Foss '35, Peirce Fuller '35, R. M. Gallagher '34, I. McD. Garfield '35, D. M. Gleason '35, F. H. Gleason '34. W. L. Hasler '34, Dunbar Holmes '35, C. McM. Kirkland '34, W. A. Lincoln '35, A. L. Loomis '35.

R. H. Martin '34, J. K. Mitchell '34, K. C. Mittell '34, F. B. Morrison '35, W. C. Owens '33, C. C. Pell, Jr. '33, M. L. Pruyn '35, J. W. Putnam '33, F. A. Reece '35, J. P. Richardson '35, E. H. Robbins '35, Henry Saltonstall '35, Robert Saltonstall, Jr. '33, H. C. Thacher '34, P. H. Thompson '35, G. J. Thorndike '33, C. E. Ware '34, John Ware, Jr. '34, Nathaniel Ware '34, R. P. Waters, Jr. '34, W. P. Watts '35, S. H. Wolcott '33, A. V. Woodworth, Jr. '33.

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