Schoolboys Bow to Freshmen 19 to 0 in Season's Opener


The 1932 football team opened its season successfully Saturday by defeating Andover 19 to 0. With a fast, rugged team and big weight advantage, the Freshmen found no trouble in keeping their opponents from advancing beyond mid-field.

Bernard White '32 proved to be the outstanding ball carrier on the field, and his shifty running was a big factor in all of Harvard's advances. Vivianno was Andover's best power on the defense, but on the offense he and his team-mates were unable to advance more than a yard or two at a time.

Harvard received the opening kick-off on its own 32-yard line, and after 14 plays Charles Devens '32 carried the ball across for the first score. The Freshmen were in position to score again on the 10-yard line when a penalty and an incomplete pass sent them back to the 40-yard line, where they were forced to kick.

In the second period Harvard, rushed to the four-yard line but then fumbled and lost the ball. Andover kicked, following which three passes by Barry Wood '32, and two line plunges put the ball over again.

In the last period J. W. Crickard '32 intercepted a forward pass, and raced 25 yards for the final points.

The summary follows:

Score--Harvard Freshman 19, Andover 0. Touchdowns--Devens, Mays, Crickard, Point after touchdown--awarded Harvard, Andover offside. Referee--Scoles. Umpire--Crawford. Field Judge--Duffy. Head linesman--Pidgeon. Time--10 min. periods.

HARVARD FRESHMAN  ANDOVERRecord, Thomson, l.e.  r.e., Wright, BrunnerFinlayson, Flynn, Wolcott, l.t.  r.t., Kidder, MacDougallMyerson, Ginnman, Coyle, l.g.  r.g., Westfall, StebbinsCunningham, Fitzgeraid, c.  c., Crane, R. JacksonForestall, Draper, r.g.  l.g., Steketee, DavisTaxon, Kuehn, r.t.  l.t., Osborne, BatchelderMoushigian, Appel, Nickerson, r.e.  l.e., Broaca, Kimball, Scott, ChaffeeWood, Gleason, Fink, q.b.  q.b., Wheeler, C. Williamson, BrownWhite, Mays, l.h.b.  r.h.b., L. Churchill, Chapman, GardnerGilligan, Crickard, r.h.b.  l.h.b., King, C. Churchill, Keesling, WilsonDevens, Blanchard, f.b.  f.b., Vivianno, Newto

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