Officers for 1928 Elected at Meeting Last Night--Harrington Is Chosen Vice-President


Officers of the Harvard Dramatic Club for 1928 were elected at a meeting of the club held last night. Charles Leatherbee '29 of New York City was chosen president; Gerald Wallace Harrington '30 of Mattapoisett vice-president, and john Hanna Morris '29 of Cambridge, secretary. Two other men were elected to constitute the Executive Committee with the three elected officers. They are Edward Trumbull Batchelder '30 of Salem, and Hollis Guptill Gerrish '30 of Somerville.

No treasurer was elected for next year, the club voting instead to leave the matter in the hands of the Executive Committee. Because of the necessity for co-operation between the treasurer and business manager, who is also appointed by the committee, it was thought expeditious to leave the choice of both to the Executive Committee.

Leatherbee, the new president, has played in four of the Dramatic Club's productions and has held leading roles in the last two. Harrington has been in three of the organization's plays and played an important part in the show this fall. Morris, the secretary, has been in charge of the Properties Department during the fall production of the club. The two other members of the Executive Committee, Batchelder and Gerrish, are members of the Subscription and Stage Departments respectively.

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