Students Respond to P. B. H. Drive for Eastern Relief With Heavy Necktie Contribution--Yield of Shoes Stands Next


The close of the annual Phillips Brooks House drive for clothing brings with it a perfusion of figures showing what articles of apparel are most willingly cast off by college students. Ties, were contributed in greatest number and some 300 odd will be sent to the Near East for the Armenians.

Next in order came 118 pair of shoes with 15 odd ones thrown in ranging from patent leather pumps to ragged sneakers. Trousers, coats, and articles of underwear came next in the race for quantity ranging from 105 to 87 articles, vests lagging far behind, only 51 being contributed. The other articles of clothing contributed included overcoats, bats and caps, shirts, collars, socks, bath robes, and sweaters.

The drive was carried on for the benefit of the Near East Relief to clothe the destitute Turks, Syrians and Armenians. It is striking in view of this fact that the majority of articles contributed are of the decorative rather than the useful kind.

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