Entertainment and Refreshment Offered; Sunday Speaker Changed


Open house and entertainments will be held tomorrow night at the Phillips Brooks House for those students in the University who are remaining in Cambridge over Thanksgiving, it has been announced by the P.B.H. Association.

The doors will be open at 7 o'clock, and the entertainment, consisting of motion pictures, music, magic, and refreshments, will begin at 7.30 o'clock. Pictures to be shown will include Rin Tin Tin in "The Clash of the Wolves" and a cartoon comedy. Richard Cart-wright, Boston secretary of the Society of American Magicians, will do a sleight of hand performance, after which refreshments will be served.

The next speaker in the Phillips Brooks House course in Religion, announced on the schedule as Professor W.B. Donham '98, Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration, will be instead Professor J.A. de Haas, William Ziegler Professor of International Relationships in the Business School, it has been announced.

Professor de Haas will speak on "Religion and Business" at a meeting at 4 o'clock in Peabody Hall of the Phillips Brooks House. All members of the University are invited and opportunity will be given for written questions.

Last Sunday's talk by Dr. Michael Pupin, noted scientist of Columbia University, has to be omitted owing to Professor Pupin's illness

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