NATURE--Is one of those words in which the eloquence of lovers shines with success. Nothing is more persuasively employed than the appeals made to it, against the rigid prescriptions of duty. Thus, when a lover makes use of this trite argument: "Either nature is imperfect in itself, by giving us inclinations that the laws condemn, or the laws are justly accusable or too great severity, in condemning inclinations given us by nature", this profound sophistry means: "Since you have scruples, my game is to remove them. Reasin may give itself what airs it pleases; but if you love me, nature will do the rest of my work for me."

NO. "Yes" is always yes, but "No" is not always no.

OBEY-- Is a word never to be taken too literally. It is the sign of a very novice so to misconstrue a ladies Intention as to obey orders pronounced only for form's sake.

PRAISE--Flattery. No woman loves a divided share of it. Many women have been praised of their virtue, till they have been praised out their virtue, till they have been praised out of it.

PROVOCATIVES--There are no provocatives like youth and beauty on one side, and a healthy constitution on one side, and a healthy constitution the side, and a healthy constitution on the other.

PRUDE Signifies a women who at heart is no enemy to gallantry, but loves it without noise. Some women hoist the standard of a mysterious severity, and pass one half of their lives in concealing the other half.

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