Simultaneous Processions Will Have Convention Hall as Objective--To Start at 7 O'clock


A torchlight parade for Harvard Republicans equipped in the traditional manner with free supplies of red fire and gasoline torches, as well as a 20 piece band, will start its march at the Freshman gymnasium tonight at 7 o'clock. The objective of the marchers will be Convention Hall on St. Botolph street in Boston.

Prominent Men to Speak

The parade has been organized by the Republican Associates of Massachusetts under the direction of Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. '23 and H. L. Kozol '27. Both of these men will speak at the rally tonight together with Governor Alvan T. Fuller and Senator William M. Butler, Republican candidates for re-election.

A torchlight parade has been for many years a night-before-election feature at the University, in the days before prohibition, almost the entire student body joined in these partisan marches, well fortified for the occasion. During these celebrations, the burghers of Cambridge-port retired discreetly to their domiciles, since the marchers were more enthusiastic than they were self-possessed.

M. I. T. Also Parades Tonight

A Republican parade will start from M. I. T. tonight at approximately the same time as the Harvard march. These simultaneous parades often gave rise to riots in the past when the rival groups neared each other in the Back Bay district. But since the well-known invasion of individual rights, motor policemen have accompanied each procession. Tonight two officers will precede the Harvard columns.

Hundreds Expected to March

Five hundred men are expected to be in the line of march when it sets forth from the Square. The total has generally been increased to many times that number by the time the parade reaches Harvard bridge. The band will lead the way, followed by the marchers and men in automobiles.

The meeting in Convention Hall, technically termed the "Night Before Victory Rally," will be attended by Republican Associates and their partisans from Greater Boston. In addition to Governor Fuller and Senator Butler, Mayor Malcolm E. Nichols of Boston, State Treasurer William S. Youngman and Theodore Roosevelt Jr. '09 are among the prominent Republicans scheduled to speak tonight.

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