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Student Committee to Have 11 Members--Three to Be Appointed From Union Users--Six to Be Elected


Several radical changes in the constitution of the Union were made yesterday at a joint meeting of the Governing Board and the Undergraduate Committee, which by a special clause is to be known henceforth as the Student Committee.

The Union will now become altered in two respects as a result of the changes made in its constitution. It will establish itself as an organization independent of other University bodies, such as the Student Council; and it will represent more fully the different branches of the University. The Student Committee is the representative of the University in conducting the affairs of the Union, and it is in connection with this body that the principal changes are made.

Retiring Members Nominate

The first and principal change is that nominations for the Vice Presidency and for membership in the Student Committee are to be made henceforth by the retiring members of the committee, who would not be eligible for reelection. These nominations must be made at least two weeks before the election and not later than May 1.

This is in controversion of Article 6, Section 3, of the Union constitution, which formerly read, "Nominations for the Vice Presidency and the Student Committee shall be made by the Student Council . . . from a list presented to them by the Student Committee. Additional nominations may be made by petition, which must be signed by 35 undergraduates in the case of Vice President, and 25 Union members in the case of the Student Committee. . . . The Student Council shall have entire charge of the election."

The Student Committee will represent solely the student point of view. Henceforth, the Graduate Secretary will not be a member, ex officio, as in the past.

The revised personnel of the Student Committee will include 11 members of whom two are members ex officio, six are elected and three are appointed. The reason for the innovations of the three appointed members is that a broader representation is thus acquired. A large class of men uses the facilities of the Union whose members are not particularly prominent in undergraduate activities and who would be subordinated in elections to men known through the University. From this class, three men will be chosen.

The list of amendments follows:

All nominations for the Vice Presidency and for membership in the Student Committee shall be made and announced by the members of this committee who would not be eligible for reelection, not less than two weeks before the election and not later than May 1. Additional nominations may be made by petition signed by 35 resident members of the Union in the case of the Vice President, 23 in the case of the committee. Such petition must be in the bands of the Student Committee not less than three days prior to the election. The Student Committee shall have complete charge of commissions and elections.

2. The election shall be carried on by mail. The ballots shall be mailed not later than May 13 and must be returned within ten days, not exclusive of Sundays, to be counted.

3. Only resident members shall vote at meetings and elections.

4. The Student Committee shall have members, two ex officio the President and Vice President), six elected and three appointed. The elected members shall be one member from each of the three upper classes of Harvard College, one from the Law School, one from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and one from the Graduate School of Business Administration. They shall be elected as hereinafter provided. The appointed members shall be one Senior, one other chosen at large in the discretion of the Committee, both to be selected by the committee not later than October 15 from those who habitually use and are most familiar with the Union, and one Freshman who shall be chosen not later than December 1

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