John Harvard is to change his resting-place. The rumor of many month's standing has been confirmed. From a new position in front of University Hall the statue of the founder will soon be visible to officers and to undergraduates alike. No longer will the student have to journey to the New Lecture Hall or the Semitic Museum in order to catch a glimpse of it. And the Dean's office will now be constantly reassured that there are other traditions in college beside those of scholastic delinquency.

Since the new position of the statue is more central its presence will add rather than detract from the appearance of the Yard. The slightly inaccurate historical impression that the statue gives as to the early history of the college will not disturb the visitor from parts unknown more now than before. Many natives even now are blissfully ignorant of the fact that the statue is not modelled after John Harvard, but after a much later Harvard graduate, and that John Harvard himself only bequeathed books instead of actually founding the college. But whatever his history, it is only fitting that John Harvard as he is now represented in spirit at least should watch over the precincts of the central University Hall and of the ancient College Yard.

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