Work has begun on the erection of a new building in ahe Yard to make a permanent place for the Bursar's headquarters, now located in a temporary wooden building on Kirkland Street, close to Memorial Hall.

The building will be erected in the southwest corner of the Yard, directly opposite the subway rotunda.

A board fence is now being built inside the Yard. This fence will join with the regular Yard wall, enclosing, the entire site of the new building.

1857 Gate Must Move

The gate of the Class of 1857 will be moved some 40 feet from its present location to a gap that has already been prepared for it in the wall very close to Wadsworth House. The gate will remain in this position and a new path will be made, after which the present path will be closed.

To Be Named After Donor

The new building will probably be called "Lehman Hall, The Counting House", although no official name has yet been given. It will occupy the same position as Dane Hall, which burned down in 1917 and will face the opening between Matthews and Grays Hall. Thus the back of the building will face on Harvard Square, and in order not to make a blank wall facing on Massachusetts Avenue eight wood pilasters some 34 feet high, will be erected.

Will Be Four Stories High

The building will be four stories high, the first story being granite, and the other three red brick, with a slate roof. The dimensions will be approximately 130 feet by 56 feet. The front of the building will have four large wood pilasters of about the same size as those in the rear, and two smaller pilasters, one on each side of the door. The style of architecture will be Georgian, and will conform to a large degree with the buildings in the Yard.

C. A. Coolidge '81, of Coolidge and Shattuck, architects, New York, will have charge of the work. He is also the head of the Planning Board of the University.

Will Be Ready By September 1925

Work on the building will be carried on continuously until it is finished around September 1, 1925. As soon as it is completed the Bursar will move into his new offices. It is expected that the building now being used as the Bursar's office will be torn down as soon as it is vacated.

All the administrative body will be located in the new building. There will be offices for the Inspector of Grounds and Buildings, as well as for the comptroller of the University.

Lehman Hall was made possible by a gift of $200,000 which Mr. Arthur Lehman '94, a New York banker, made to the University last June. Mr. Lehman expressed a wish that the donation be used for the erection of a new University Administration Building.

Make Plans For Straus Hall

Surveyors were also at work yesterday behind Hollis Hall laying out the dimensions for Straus Hall, the $300,000 dormitory which was donated to the University by Jesse Isadore Straus '93. President Lowell was among those who inspected the proposed site for the new dormitory

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