Conan Doyle Says Explanation of Fraud Is Overdone--Existence of Spirits in Bodies of Mediums Shown by Photographs of Ectoplasm


"The explanation of fraud is overdone," said Sir Arthur Conan Doyle recently in all interview with a CRIMSON reporter in which he emphasized the material proof which is now available to offset the skepticism shown by so many toward spiritualism at this time. He admitted that many mediums and spirit messages are fakes, but contended that other evidence, thoroughly tested by the most rigid scientific tests, proved conclusively the existence of another world and the possibility of communication with that world.

"Photographs can not He" he said in basing his proof on the dozens of pictures of spirits in the shape of humans and in masses of ectoplasm protruding from mediums bodies "Ectoplasm," he explained, "is the raw material of psychic phenomena. Science knows nothing about it. When analyzed, however, it has been found to consist of materials which are present in the human body, and of something else, possibly other, as well as a material not known to exist in any organic substance. It dissolves in the light, hence it is necessary to conduct seances in the dark.

Disbelief Hinders Development

"Disbelief and skepticism," said Sir Arthur, "are greatly retarding spiritualism and are preventing many people from seeing the manifest signs of its existence." He continued by stating that spiritualism, although for the most part not accepted by the church, should and will be the main support of religion in the future.

Just as everyone does not have an ear for music or innate ability as an artist, so not everyone is psychic, he said in explaining why all people could not be mediums. Furthermore, the conditions must he suitable before a spirit may be recalled and the spirit itself must want to come of its own accord.

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