Tennis Team Shows Strength in Victory Over Veteran Club Players in Informal Match--Will Meet Tigers Tomorrow--Seconds to Play Springfield


The University tennis team defeated the Longwood Cricket Club team at Long-wood yesterday afternoon 5-4. The club team is composed of veterans most of whom have held high positions in state and national rankings and the victory of the Crimson net-men speaks well for the improvement they have made during the last two weeks. In most cases the scores were close and the result was not decided until late in the evening when Captain Duane finally won a hard three-set match from W. E. Porter, present doubles champion of Massachusetts. After winning the first set 6-0, Duane lost of the second and came within two points of losing the match. With Porter leading in the third set 5-4 and 30-love, Duane rallied and finally took the set and match 8-6.

Opposing Princeton on Saturday

The University tennis team, consisting of Captain Duane, Bradley, J. D. Farnham, Guild, Holmes, Key, and Pfaffman, the same men that defeated Longwood yesterday, will leave for Princeton this afternoon. They will spend the night in New York, going out to Princeton in the morning, and starting the match at 2 o'clock. The Princeton team is exceptionally strong this year, and it will take sterling work on the part of the Crimson net-men to break their undefeated record.

The University second team will play Springfield College on the Divinity courts at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Crimson men have victories over Clark University and Exeter to their credit and have given evidence of a well-balanced team that should be able to cope with any attack which the visitors may display.

The second team line-up will be as follows:

Singles.--1, C: W. Farnham; 2, Frost; 3, Kleberg; 4, Dibblee.

Doubles.--1, Farnham and Frost; 2, Kleberg and Dibblee.

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