Fifty Undergraduates Will Work in Big Industrial Organization in Order to Learn Conditions of Laborers


In order to get first hand information on the actual conditions and problems of the working men, about fifty Princeton students will work this summer, side by side with laborers in some big industrial organization. The plan has already been tried out with marked success on the Pacific Coast, and it is probable that other eastern colleges besides Princeton will experiment with it this summer.

The proposition in brief is this: To organize in a number of colleges groups of men who will give their summer vacations to a study of social and industrial problems; to furnish these groups with text books on labor problems and and similar subjects by men of authority today; and to provide quarters where the groups can meet to talk over their experiences and to discuss ways and means for bettering existing conditions.

The men behind this movement do not intend to interfere in any way with the existing order of affairs between capital and labor. The college student will merely don old clothes, obtain a job, and then attend to it like any other workman in the shop. This will give him excellent opportunity to study at close range the actual conditions in laboring and industrial plants.

Leheigh University has organized a "railroad society" for undergraduates in the engineering courses who are planning to enter railroad work.

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