Amass 35 Points Apiece--Seniors and Sophomores Stand Third With 14 Points Each -- Quarter-Mile, Mile, and High Hurdles Prove Exciting


The Junior and Freshman classes tied for first honors in the Fall Handicap Meet on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon, having 35 points each. 1922 and 1924 stood third with 14 points each. With this meet the University fall season closes, but on Monday a gymnasium class for all Freshmen interested in track will start in the Hemenway Gymnasium. The growing darkness, together with the cold, somewhat hindered the runners and made good records impossible.

F. G. Bemis '22, the University cross-country captain, won the mile after a well-judged race. Campbell Newhall '24 placed second, while C. L. Bond 4E.S., of the 1930 track team, finished third. W. J. Burke '23, starting at scratch, made a good showing but was unable to over-come his handicap.

Joshua Epotain '22 and W. C. Bennett '23 were the outstanding performers in the quarter-mile, the former winning the event and the latter coming up from the rear for second place. The 65-yard high hurdles proved the closest race. C. R. Hauers '23, who won the hurdle event in last year's meet with Yale, running at scratch, broke the tape. W. B. Thomas '25 and J. P. Monks '24, with small handicaps, finished second and third respectively almost alongside of Hauers.

The summary:

High Jump.--Won by C. J. Hamlin '23, 5 feet 4 inches (2 inches); H. W. Abbot Jr. '25, second, 5 feet 3 inches (scratch); S. M. Clark '25, third, 5 feet 3 inches (5 inches).

Broad Jump.--Won by R. F. Thayer '22, 19 feet 10 1-2 inches (8 inches); C. J. Hamlin '23, second, 19 feet 10 1-4 inches (scratch); John Bruce '25, third, 19 feet 7 inches (1 foot 4 inches).

120-Yard Low Hurdies.--Won by W. B. Thomas '25 (5 yards); T. R. Hull '25, second (4 yards); C. W. Wood '23, third (4 yards). Time, 14 1-5s.

100-Yard Dash.--Won by D. E. Barker '25 (5 yards); H. W. Howe '22, second (1 yard); C. B. Townsend '24, third (6 yards). Time, 10 4-5s.

880-Yard Run.--Won by B. R. Cutcheon '25 (50 yards); R. W. Cordingley '23, second (35 yards); Charles Allers-meyer '25, third (50 yards). Time, 2m. 2 2-5s.

Pole Vault.--Won by W. P. Reidy '25, 11 feet 10 inches (2 feet 4 inches); D. D. Reidy '23, second, 11 feet 7 inches (10 inches); H. J. Freedman '23 (1 foot 3 inches), and H. R. Davis '23 (3 inches); tied for third at 10 feet 9 inches.

65-Yard High Hurdles.--Won by C. R. Haines '23 (scratch); W. B. Thomas '25, second (3 yards); J. P. Monks '24 (5 yards), third. Time, 8 3-5s.

440-Yard Run.--Won by Joshua Epstein '22 (20 yards); W. C. Bennett '23, second (15 yards); M. F. Lesses '22, third (10 yards). Time, 53s.

Mile Run.--Won by F. G. Bemis '22 (35 yards); Campbell Newhall '24, second (35 yards); C. L. Bond 4E.S., third (50 yards). Time, 4m 42 3-5s.

Discus Throw.--Won by H. R. Davis '23, 119 feet 4 inches (14 feet); C. C. Carpenter '24, second, 117 feet 9 inches (6 feet); G. T. Barker '23, third, 105 feet 6 inches (scratch).

Javelin Throw.--Won by H. L. Kohn '24, 131 feet 1-2 inch (30 feet); H. B. Hubbard '25, second, 130 feet 8 inches (30 feet); J. H. Sipp '24, third, 120 feet 10 inches (12 feet)

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