Plan Numerous Scrub Teams to Replace Leiter Contests.--University Wins in Practice.


Instead of the usual opportunity for baseball offered by the Leiter Cup series, the baseball management will meet the demand for scrub teams this year by giving to any man who wishes it a chance to play with the second team. If enough men report third, fourth, and fifth teams will be organized and a series arranged, or interclass teams formed. Any man now wishing to play may report with second team at any time.

Yesterday, playing on the regular diamond for the first time this year, the University team defeated the second team, 2 to 1, in a five and a half inning game. A cold wind from the ocean handicapped the pitchers, who used nothing but straight balls, so that the outfielders of both sides were kept busy pulling down flies, particularly in the last two innings.

The University made its first tally when, in the second inning, K. W. Perkins '20, who had been passed was brought in from third with a hard drive through second by A. Blair '22. A neat Texas leaguer by R. W. Emmons, 3d, '20, in the third inning let in E. C. Lincoln '22 for the second run.

The line-up was as follows: University A--p., Goode, Bullard; c., Gammack, Lancaster; 1b., Blair; 2b., Emmons; 3b., Lincoln; s.s., Shaw; l.f., Frothingham; c.f., Perkins; r.f., Hallowell. Second team--p., Johnston; c., Scott, Weeks: 1b., Jones; 2b., Chase; 3b., Kent; s.s., Key, Banes; l.f., Allen; c.f., Davis, Janin; r.f., Lee.

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