The following mid-year examinations are scheduled to be given today and tomorrow under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences: Examinations Today. Anthropology 1 Amsden to Irving, Sever 17 Kestnbaum to Woods, Sever 18 Botany 2 Univ. Mus. 29 Chemistry 2 Anderson to Shaefer, New Lec. Hall Shaw to Zinderstein, Sever 30 Comp. Literature 26, Emerson J Economics 5a Alexis to Manning, Harvard 2 Martin to Wholean, Harvard 3 Economics 8 Emerson J Economics 13 Emerson J English 1 Anderson to Heller, Sever 23 Hewitt to Yesner, Sever 24 Fine Arts 1f Pierce 304 Fine Arts 2c Sever 37 Fine Arts 5f Fogg Lec. Rm. Geology 16 Zool. Lec. Rm. German 1a I, II Sever 11 German 21 Sever 11 Government 27 New Lec. Hall History 1 Mr. Arragon's sects. Zool. Lec. Rm. Mr. Fuller's sects. E, F, Sever 35 Mr. Fuller's sects. G, H, Sever 36 Mr. Newhall's sects. Upper Mass. Mr. Wright's sects. C, N, O, Harvard 6 Mr. Wright's sects. P, S, Harvard 5 History 4 Sever 6 History 19 Sever 29 History 26 Emerson D Hygiene 2 Harvard 3 Mathematics A III Pierce 209 Mathematics 26 Pierce 209 Meteorology 2 Geol. Mus.43 Music 2 Sever 29 Philosophy 2 Emerson D Physics 6a Pierce 304 Semitic 9 Sever 5 Zoology 8 Anthony to Holman, Emerson A Holt to Sprague, Emerson F Stanwood to Zinninger, Emerson D Examinations Tomorrow. Anthropology 8 Emerson A Chemistry 9 Holden Education 15 Holden English 4 Emerson A French 23 Harvard 5 German A Prof. Bierwirth's sect. Upper Mass. Dr. Burkhard's sects. Harvard 6 Mr. Brewer's sects. Emerson D Dr. Cawley's sect. 3, Harvard 3 Dr. Cawley's sects. 6, 7, Harvard 5 Dr. Herrick's sect. Upper Mass. Dr. Pettengill's sect. Upper Mass. Dr. Schoenemann's sect. Upper Mass. Mathematics 19a Holden Philosophy 25 Emerson J Semitic 10 Emerson J Spanish 3 Upper Mass. Zoology 14b Emerson J 2 P. M. French A Mr. Brown's sect. 1, Harvard 5 Mr. Parker's sect. 2, Harvard 5 Mr. Lincoln's sect. 3, Harvard 6 Dr. Hawkins's sect. 4, Harvard 6 Mr. Loss's sect. 5, Upper Mass. Dr. Struthers's sect. 6, Upper Mass.