"I am not only glad, but also very proud of every man in the regiment for the way in which they carried out the exercise today," said Lieutenant Morize after the maneuvers yesterday afternoon, when the corps was reviewed at Fresh Pond by the Board of Overseers. "Every movement was on time, and it was most satisfying to see the results of your year's work. It shows that while things seemed slow and uninteresting during the winter you all were learning wonderfully well the idea of the battle formations, and you are now doing excellently as a result. It is a good omen of what fine work we may do in the future, and I am very glad indeed."

The exercise was a fair example of the work of the regiment in simulated field maneuvers, and the faults criticized in another column by Colonel Applin were chiefly connected with the short drill and march home which followed.

The next exercise of importance will be held next Saturday afternoon and evening, May 18. The maneuver will take the place of the Field Day previously planned for that date. The regiment will form at 1 o'clock in the afternoon in the same place as for other field exercises and will then march to the Waverley combat grounds, where it will be divided into two forces for combat practice during the evening. Recall will sound at about 11 o'clock at night and the men will march home, as from Wakefield, in regular marching order.

Although yesterday's exercise at Fresh Pond took the place of the one usually held on Tuesday, the schedule will be renewed Thursday, when the corps will go once more to the trenches.

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