The purpose of the investigation of the War Department by the Senate Military Affairs Committee does not, seek to embarrass particular people or the take political revenge on anyone. Consequently we are surprised that so much flippant hinting and so many sly finger-pointings should have appeared in the American press. We are glad that the investigation will be held; it will be a means of prosecuting thin war with greater success. But rejoicing because political opponents are to be publicly scored is out of place at this time. In any crisis, national unity is preserved with difficulty. This task becomes well nigh impossible where narrow men lies in wait to pull down others who are serving, because these others who are serving, because theses others hold different views. The men managing the various branches of the War Department must be the best obtainable. The Senate Committee will look to see if the men at he helm now are the best. If they are not, they shall be replaced; not because the spoils system has been revived in war time, but because the nation demands such a course of the action.

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