Scarcity of Good Material Accounts for Record of Three Victories in Eight Games and Defeat by Yale.


The Freshman baseball team this year, captained by E. L. Casey '19, has not been up to the standard of former first-year nines, mainly because of a scarcity of as excellent material available for Coach Ball to develop this season. The principal weakness has been in the batting department, only the outfield trio being consistently good fielders and hitters. The 1919 team was shut out by the Yale freshmen, 4 to 0, at New Haven on May 30, and only three out of the other eight games on the schedule were won by Harvard, opponents having piled up 52 runs to the Freshmen's 28.

The season opened favorably enough for Harvard with a 9 to 3 victory over St. Mark's, but Dean Academy swamped 1919 in the second game, 14 to 13, and Worcester Academy registered a shutout of 2 to 0. After the win from Milton, 4 to 2, on May 20, the team again slumped and let Exeter score 17 runs to Harvard's 2. Groton was defeated 4 to 2, but Andover won on May 24, and on the 28th Morris Heights nosed out a 4 to 3 victory in a ten-inning contest at Cambridge.

The main work in the box during the season was done by W. B. Felton '19, who prepared at Milton Academy, and H. Coolidge '19, of St. Mark's, who was also on the pitching staff, injured his arm early in the season and the main work fell entirely upon Felton and Coolidge. Felton, as a rule, shows good control but Coolidge has been somewhat erratic in his work on the Freshman team. C. F. Fuller '19, who did the receiving, showed the value of his experience at Groton, and should make a capable assistant to R. Harte '17, next year. Captain E. L. Casey '19, of Exeter, centre fielder; R. H. Bond '19, of Everett, right fielder; N. H. Kerr '19, of Exeter, shortstop, and R. E. Gross '19, of St. George's left fielder, were the best batters on the team, Bond leading Casey by a narrow margin. Although a bit slow in his fielding, Bond redeemed himself at the bat. He connected for a two-base and a three-base hit in the Morris Heights game. Captain Casey covers a wide territory in the centre garden, is a dependable fielder, and a consistent hitter. He will make a valuable recruit for the 1917 University team.

The seventeen members of the team who received their Freshman numerals for playing in the Yale 1919 game and who will be candidates for the University nine next year, are as follows: J. A. Beaman, R. H. Bond, E. L. Burrill, Jr., E. L. Casey (captain), H. Coolidge, P. H. Currier, W. B. Felton, C. F. Fuller, R. E. Cross, J. W. Henderson, G. Hubbard, Jr., N. H. Kerr, J. L. Leighton, R. McA., Lloyd, Jr. (manager), W. W. McLeod, R. D. Sears, Jr., and P. Zach.

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