Bright Outlook for Golf Team


The golf outlook this year is unusually bright, since five of last year's regular team are eligible to play again this spring. These men are Captain J. G. Heyburn '16, L. H. Canan '17, G. A. McCook '16, J. W. Hubbell '17, and J. I. Wylde '17. The 1918 team will furnish some promising material in R. W. Hoskier '18, C. W. Timpson '18, and R. S. Tufts '18, while two other promising men are G. A. McKinlock '16 and P. W. Simons '16.

Freshmen can play on the team in matches against country clubs, but not in intercollegiate matches. Trials for the team will begin about April 1.

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