The stage for the production of "Siegfried" in the Stadium on Friday evening is nearing completion, and will be practically finished by tonight, although some details still remain to be taken care of. The sounding-shell is in place, and all that remains to be done is to tear down the scaffolding and put up the side and back canvass. Elaborate arrangements have been made for lighting the stage and there will also be excellent facilities for lighting the part of the Stadium occupied by the audience, as the intermissions will be very long. In all, eighteen miles of wire have been used.

This evening Mr. Loomis Taylor, stage manager of the Metropolitan Opera. House of New York City, will try the various stage sets, and get everything in smooth working order. Tomorrow evening there will be a rehearsal, open only to those bearing passes. The properties and accessories of the Metropolitan Opera House, which will be used in the production, are being kept in the baseball cage. The larger pieces of scenery, which will come from the Boston Opera House, will arrive today.

The sale of seats has been very large, and comparatively few are left. Orders have come in from all over the country even as far as the Pacific Coast.

Ushers for Siegfried Chosen.

The following men, appointed ushers for the performance of Wagner's "Siegfried," will report promptly at the Marshall Newell Gate, Friday afternoon at the hours given below. Any usher who fails to report within ten minutes of the hour assigned will be refused admission.

The following have been selected as assistant head ushers: sections 5 to 13, inclusive, Harry Clark; sections 14 to 24, inclusive, R. W. Pettingill; sections 25 to 33, inclusive, H. W. Herrington; boxes, F. W. C. Hersey.

The following men will report to R. W. Gordon at 4.45; L. B. Kagan 2L., T. W. Merriam '15, E. C. Wilkins '16, R. W. Sadler '16, L. B. Everitt '17, A. S. Hyman '15, E. Davison '15, S. J. Keating '15, W. A. O'Shea '15, P. A. Wilks '18, W. Young '18, R. F. Kelley '15, B. Stern '18, H. W. Flagg '16, F. J. Little '15, H. E. Ames '17, L. C. Roberts '16, C. A. Rome '17, J. S. Harlow, Jr., '17, P. M. Goddard '18, D. L. Moody '18, J. A. Erickson '18, E. F. Melvin '18, G. Supple '18, G. Mair '16, C. E. Humphrey '17, M. P. McNair '16, P. S. York '18, W. Christianson '18, R. Z. Crane '17, T. S. Harris 1G.B., F. J. Heinz uC., A. I. Bloomberg '18, R. H. Schein '18, W. H. Cantwell uC.

The following ushers assigned to boxes will report to F. W. C. Hersey promptly at 6 o'clock in evening dress: L. S. Levy '17, L. A. Morgan '17, V. A. Kramer '18, Wm. H. Bartlett '18, G. Whitehead '15, F. J. Curtis '15, H. L. Dayton '17, Lloyd Reilly '17, B. Sage '17, P. M. Symonds '15, R. E. Rockwood 2G., A. P. McMahon 2G., N. W. Little 1L., F. T. Smith '15, C. L. Waddell '18, F. M. Davis 1G., T. R. Allen '18, L. Brentano '18, E. R. Collier '16, G. A. Collier '18, F. S. Welsh 1G.B., B. Everitt '17, A. S. Thayer '15, J. F. Schwartz '17, W. A. Walker '17, J. C. Scanlon '18, R. S. Richards '16, H. M. Thurston '16, J. M. Waterman '17, C. L. McAlpine '15, L. B. Lynch 1L., S. E. Rothchild, Jr., '17, R. W. Nelson '16, J. H. Lewis uC.; C. B. Blaisdell '18, D. M. Satz 1L., M. Cohen '15, R. M. Koon 1G., F. E. Hulse '15, W. B. Feiga '16, Benjamin Robinson '15, J. A. Levy 1L.

Section Heads.

The following section heads will report to R. W. Gordon at the Marshall Newell Gate promptly at 5.45: Sect. 5, S. J. Beck '16; sect. 6, L. A. Morgan '17; sect. 7, H. W. Smith 1L.; sect. 8, P. W. Danforth; sect. 9, T. O. Paige; sect. 10, G. Wasser '17; sect. 11, E. B. Thomas '16; sect. 12, J. F. Cover '17; sect. 13, W. C. Packard '16; sect 14, G. P. Pennoyer '15; sect. 15, C. Nemser '16; sect. 16, T. J. Reed '15; sect. 17, C. C. Petersen '15; sect. 18, H. R. Guild, Jr., '17; sect. 19, R. Coggeshall '16; sect. 20, E. W. Wilder '15; sect. 21, F. G. Guild '17; sect. 22, L. Myrick '15; sect. 23, S. J. Rogers '17; sect. 24, A. E. Whittemore '17; sect. 25, R. A. Whiting '16; sect. 26, S. C. Peabody '17; sect. 27, A. V. Keene '16; sect. 28, W. R. Brown 2G.; sect. 29, G. F. Baker '17; sect. 30, H. A. Larrabee '16; sect. 31, C. E. Carvell uC.; sect. 32, W. F. Campbell '15; sect 33, W. B. Tippetts 1L.

Regular Ushers.

The following regular ushers, sections 5 to 13, inclusive, will report to Harry Clark promptly at 6 o'clock: Sect. 5, H. B. Dine '16, F. A. Williams uC., J. Dole '18, R. Palmer '17, M. L. Rafeld '16, W. Cohen '15; sect. 6, C. K. Horwitz '15, H. H. Parker '17, W. P. Hewitt '18, W. Silverman '18, E. E. Morton '17, H. S. Bennett '17; sect. 7, P. Klein uC., H. E. Huckins '18, E. P. Perkins '18, W. F. Cahill '17, R. E. Shillady '15, R. Y. Raymond '18; sect. 8, R. R. Cawley 1G., G. M. Gates '15, B. V. Imbrie '18, V. G. Kirov '17, L. R. Bailey '18, W. S. Bailey; sect. 9, R. B. Brown uC., P. P. Cram '15, S. B. Pfeifer '16, F. M. Jackson '18, W. W. Toomey '18, G. McLaughlin '18; sect. 10, L. de J. Harvard '15, C. A. N. White '15, C. W. Manning '18, F. W. Kurtz '18, N. Bersinger '18, L. F. Eames '18; sect. 11, L. E. Knowlton '15, R. R. Smith '15, E. H. Wolf '18, L. Wheeler '16, F. Bocher '18, C. M. Durgin '18; section 12, A. S. Harris '14, T. P. Joy '17, R. D. Hobran '18, H. T. Davis '18, O. P. Johnson '18, H. Morse '15; sect. 13, F. S. Welsh '15, M. L. Levine '18, I. S. Hoffer '18, B. Gaberne 1G., P. I. Light '18, E. Bernat '18.

The following regular ushers, sections 14 to 24, inclusive, will report to R. W. Pettingill promptly at 6 o'clock: Section 14, R. S. Damon '18, R. L. Porter '16, L. M. Van der Pyl '18, H. Rosenberg '16, R. B. Miller '18, L. Schwartz uC.; sect. 15, E. F. Adolph '17, E. S. Nelson '17, F. W. Dana, 3d, '18, L. Stern '18, H. P. Moore '18, C. B. Sherwood '18; sect. 16, Little, E. B. Flu '17, S. W. Coe '18, P. H. Weiss '15, F. De Meritt '18, J. F. Mulcahey '18, J. H. Lewis '17; sect. 17, H. Wolfson 4G., L. B. Schnieder uC., A. A. Granovsky '18, J. W. Nicholas '18, A. H. Bump '18, M. S. Swanson '18; sect. 18, W. Silverman '18, N. H. Seaver '17, H. J. Leon '18, W. D. Swan '18, A. T. Burri '18, L. Ferbstein uC.; sect. 19, O. W. Larkin '18, G. A. Dreyous 1L., H. C. Gill '17, C. E. Gill uC., S. Ring '18, A. E. Marks '17; sect. 20, L. B. Arey 3G., F. G. C. Wood 1G., M. Safron '17, P. R. Russell '18, S. E. F, Sackroff '18, J. S. Moran uC.; sect. 21, E. H. Shaw '18, M. J. Rabinovitz '18, B. R. Wilson, Jr., '17, L. S. Hyde '18, I. Rosenfield '18, D. I. Haskell '18; sect. 22, A. Shoenfield '15, L. C. Roberts '16, R. S. Milton '18, M. Guren '17, H. J. Brearley '18, J. E. Cox '18; sect. 23, W. L. Walker '18, S. T. Barker '15, E. Ettlinger '18, H. L. Ettlinger '18, B. Tall '18, J. B. Goldsmith 2Dv.; sect. 24, J. S. Harlow, Jr., '17, E. W. Giblin '15, H. Goldinger Dv., T. K. Selkirk '18, H. H. Tewksbury '18, N. Feinberg uC.

(The remainder of the list of ushers will be printed in the CRIMSON tomorrow morning)

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