A new and interesting branch of technical training is the school for cub reporters which several colleges are introducing to their curricula. The most successful one at present is that of the University of Missouri, which runs the daily paper of the town, on a thoroughly businesslike basis. There is one at New York University, which has the advantage of being in immediate touch with the centre of progressive journalism, and can therefore obtain the advice of almost any prominent metropolitan newspaper man. The Pulitzer bequest is to be used to start a school of journalism at Columbia along entirely new lines. These departments are not liable to the single criticism which is sometimes thrown at our business school: that it teaches a man to head a business, but does not help him much in the inkwell-cleaning job to which he usually falls heir when he graduates; for the courses in journalism not only teach a man to become an excellent editor-in-chief, but make him familiar with all the different stages of getting out a paper.

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