Professor Agassiz Made Bequests Which Will Amount to Nearly $1,000,000.


By the terms of the will of the late Professor Alexander Agassiz '55, which was filed at Newport on Thursday, the University will ultimately receive bequests amounting to nearly $1,000,000. A gift of $100,000 directly to the College, the income from which is to be devoted to the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and another of equal amount to be used in publishing the reports and bulletins of the Museum, as well as reports of Professor Agassiz's various expeditions, are the only bequests immediately available. The Museum also receives all scientific instruments as well as Professor Agassiz's books on scientific subjects.

The University also possesses a reversionary interest in the residue of his fortune which is divided equally between his three sons. In case they or their heirs die without issue, the money reverts to the College. Upon the death of two servants, the additional sum of $12,000, the interest of which is to be at their disposal during their life becomes also available for the uses of the College.

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