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University Team's Goal-Line Crossed,--Second String Backs Strong.


The University football team defeated Cornell in the Stadium Saturday afternoon by the score of 27 to 5, in a game in which Harvard used 29 men, practically a substitute team playing in the second half. The only score of the season by Harvard's opponents was made by Cornell on this substitute team, in the middle of the last period, when Simson picked up a fumble on the 26-yard line and ran to the 1-yard line, from which he scored a touchdown on the next play. Harvard's 27 points were made on two touchdowns by Wendell, one each by L. D. Smith and Felton, drop-kicks by Lewis and Potter and Fisher's goal from a touchdown. The score at the end of the first half was 17 to 0, and in the last two periods Cornell's goal-line was crossed twice.

The offensive work of the University team showed much improvement over the West Point game, and even when all the regulars were out of the game, the plays were run off smoothly and accurately. At the start of the game, Harvard had a substitute backfield. Hann was in McKay's place at left tackle and Huntington played centre. The team thus made up overwhelmed Cornell and scored the first touchdown within five minutes of play. After Lewis had added three points by a drop-kick from the 25-yard line, substitutes were put in, but the offence was not materially weakened. Cornell had the ball in Harvard's territory only twice and during the entire game was able to make but two first downs. Of the eight forward passes which the University team attempted, six were successful, netting a total gain of 70 yards. Touchdowns resulted from two of them. Cornell tried two passes and lost the ball on both attempts. On one the ball went out of bounds, and the second time Withington intercepted the pass.

The greatest improvement in the University team appeared in the backfield, which played speedily and surely at all times. Potter's work was very good. Beside making a perfect drop-kick from the 23-yard line, he handled forward passes in excellent style, the three which he tried being successful. Although Potter played only during the first half, he ran in three punts 28, 21 and 27 yards, respectively, and his judgment in the choice of plays was almost faultless. Wendell was the most consistent gainer in the backfield although Graustein and Campbell made several long runs around the ends.

Eight men played the end positions. Of these L. D. Smith and Lewis did the best work. Their tackling was not as sure as in the West Point game, but the slippery condition of the field prevented fast play. L. D. Smith made two long runs, one on which he made a touchdown after receiving a forward pass on the 34-yard line, and another of 46 yards after a blocked kick.

The University team continued to infringe upon the rules, and lost 80 yards by penalties. Cornell was penalized only 38 yards. Most of Harvard's losses were for offside play and for holding.

During the entire game, Harvard rushed 65 times, gaining 379 yards and losing 38. Cornell's 15 rushes resulted in a gain of 42 yards and a loss of 7.

Detailed Account of Game.

Cornell kicked over the goal-line and the ball was put in play on the 25-yard line, Minot punting to Butler on Cornell's 46-yard line. O'Connor regained the catch fumbled by Butler. The former made 7 yards around left end, and Simson netted only two through centre. O'Connor then made it first down through right tackle. Bates was thrown for a loss, and on the next play Harvard regained the ball on a forward pass which went out of bounds. Three successive rushes by Wendell netted 26 yards, and Morrison made five more through right tackle, placing the ball on Cornell's 30-yard line. A forward pass, Potter to L. D. Smith, gave Harvard the ball on the 18-yard line and a penalty advanced it to the 13-yard line. Five straight lie plays and another penalty put the ball on the 1-yard line, whence Wendell scored through right tackle. Fisher kicked the goal. Score--Harvard, 6; Cornell, 0.

Cornell kicked off to T. H. Frothingham, who ran in 20 yards to the 26-yard line before he was downed. On the first play Potter kicked to Butler, who ran in only 7 yards to his 47-yard line. The next play resulted in a loss of 5 yards and Butler punted to Potter on Harvard's 35-yard line. Potter ran with the ball 30 yards to Cornell's 46-yard line with excellent interference from the whole Harvard team. A 15-yard run by Wendell through right tackle made it first down on Cornell's 28-yard line. Two line plays resulted in only 5 yards gain, compelling Lewis to drop kick from the 25-yard line. The kick was successful, the ball going directly between the posts. Score--Harvard, 9; Cornell, 0.

Butler kicked off the Minot on Harvard's 22-yard line. Fifteen yards were covered in the run back, but this gain was cancelled by a penalty for holding. This gave the ball to Harvard on its 24-yard line, whence Potter punted to O'Connor in mid-field. Seagrave got only 2 yards around end, and on the next play Withington intercepted a forward pass from Potter to L. D. Smith, scored five more points for Harvard. Minot missed two tries for the goal from the 24-yard line. Score--Harvard, 14; Cornell, 0.

Bush replaced Withington. Cornell kicked off to Wendell on Harvard's 12-yard line. The latter ran the kick in to the 33-yard line, whence Potter punted to Bates on Cornell's 30-yard line. Bates eluded the Harvard ends and ran through a broken field to his 48-yard line on the last play of the period.

Drop-kick by Potter from 24-Yard Line.

Felton was substituted for Lewis and Keays took Minot's place. Cornell punted to Harvard's 20-yard line where Potter took the kick and ran 20 yards to his 41-yard line. Two rushes netted only 8 yards and Felton punted to O'Connor who it ran in 25 yards to mid-field. Cornell was unable to gain on the next two plays and tried an onside kick, which escaped the Harvard backs and was only recovered by Potter on the 4-yard line. Felton at once kicked the ball out of danger to his 45-yard line, Butler running it back 10 yards. An incomplete forward pass resulted in a loss of 4 yards and Cornell attempted a goal from placement from the 30-yard line. L. D. Smith, however, broke through, blocked the kick and ran 48 yards to Cornell's 26-yard line before he was caught. As the next two plays were failures in the line, Potter attempted and accomplished a neat drop-kick from the 24-yard line. Score--Harvard, 17; Cornell, 0.

Campbell replaced Wendell. Cornell again kicked over the goal-line and Harvard put the ball in play on its 25-yard line. O'Flaherty replaced L. D. Smith. Two attempted by Campbell netted 7 yards and Felton punted to Cornell's 45-yard line, where the ball was fumbled and recovered by Campbell. Morrison made 5 yards at right tackle and Potter executed an onside kick to the 20-yard line where Cornell received the ball. A penalty and a blocked punt put the ball on the 2-yard line whence Butler punted 65-yards to Potter who made a beautiful 26-yard run through a broken field to Cornell's 44-yard run through a broken field to Cornell's 44-yard line. Another penalty caused a loss of 5 yards to the 49-yard line. Campbell got 8 yards outside left tackle, and on the next play Potter tried another onside kick to Cornell's 20-yard line. Bates received the ball but advanced it only 4 yards before he was thrown. Butler at once punted to Potter on his 50-yard line, and the latter ran 15 yards to Cornell's 45-yard line. Three line rushes by Morrison and Campbell and a 5-yard penalty placed and ball on the 34-yard line where Potter tried and missed a forward pass, the ball rolling toward the Harvard goal after being blocked by a Cornell player. Potter recovered the ball on his 49-yard line. This was the last play of the first half.

Touchdown by Felton on Forward Pass.

F. H. Leslie replaced Hann, P. D. Smith took Huntington's place, Gardner was substituted for Potter and Tryon went in for T. H. Frothingham at fullback. Cornell kicked of to Campbell who made a pretty run of 18 yards to his 26-yard line. A penalty put the ball back to the 21-yard line and the backs were unable to overcome this handicap in the next two plays. Felton punted to Bates on the 34-yard line. The latter made 10 yards before O'Flaherty tackled him. The Cornell backs were unable to gain and Butler kicked a low ball to Campbell on Harvard's 17-yard line. Good tackling by the Cornell ends prevented Campbell from rung in more than 7 yards, and it was Harvard's ball on its 25-yard line. Campbell made 10 yards around left end and Tryon six through centre. on the next play Campbell got away for 30 yards to Cornell's 41-yard line, and in two more rushes he made it first down on the 26-yard line. After two small gains by Wendell and Campbell, Gardner tried a forward pass to O'Flaherty, but Miller intercepted it on the 20-yard line. A 15-yard penalty against Cornell placed the ball on the 6-yard to Campbell who ran in 7 yards to Cornell's 34-yard line. Graustein replaced Campbell. After another failure in the line, Felton took a forward pass from Gardner and by clever work reached the 8-yard line. Wendell was thrown for a small loss, but on the next play Gardner repeated the forward pass to Felton, who scored easily. The goal was missed by O'Flaherty. Score--Harvard, 22; Cornell, 0.

With the aid of excellent interference Gardner ran in Butler's kick-off 18 yards to the 37-yards line. Long took Felton's place. Again with help from nearly the whole team, Graustein executed a beautiful run of 27 yards through a broke field to Cornell's 43-yard line. Here Paine replaced O'Flaherty. After Graustein failed to gain through the line, Harvard kicked to Cornell's 5-yard line where Paine downed Butler in his tracks. Butler, on the first play, punted to Gardner who made only 5 yards against the opposing ends to Cornell's 35-yard line. At this point time was called for the third period.

Cornell Scored In Final Period.

Minot replaced Blodgett. By straight line plays Wendell and Graustein advanced the ball with little difficulty to Cornell's 5-yard line where a penalty of 15 yards put Harvard back to the 20-yard line. Wendell had been able to gain 10 yards in two downs when another penalty put the ball back to the 30-yard line. Gardner attempted a forward pass to left end and it was recovered by Long after several fumbles. Another forward pass to Graustein over the centre of the line placed the ball on the 3-yard line. Pierce took Graustein's place, as the latter was slightly hurt after receiving the pass. In two plays Wendell scored another touchdown. Minot missed the goal from the 32-yard line. Score--Harvard, 27; Cornell, 0.

Stow replaced Keays and Parmenter went in for F. H. Leslie. Butler kicked off to Stow who ran in only 5 yards before being downed. A penalty for tripping, however, advanced the ball to the 36-yard line. Here Pierce dropped back for a fake punt. The ball came straight from the centre, but Pierce fumbled, allowing Simson to recover the ball and get to the 1-yard line before he was forced outside. On the next play Simson went through left guard for a touchdown. The goal was missed. Score--Harvard, 27; Cornell, 5.

Johnson replaced Wendell. Harvard kicked over the goal-line. Cornell at once punted to Harvard's 47-yard line. Amory replaced Paine. A penalty for holding placed the ball on Harvard's 34-yard line. Several ineffectual line plays and a penalty on Cornell allowed Harvard to advance to the 43-yard line, whence Minot punted to Cornell's 17-yard line. Jowett went in for Long. On the first play Cornell punts to Johnson on its 50-yard line. Johnson ran in 7 yards. A forward pass from Tryon was intercepted by Cornell just as time was called. Final score--Harvard, 27; Cornell, 5.

The summary:

HARVARD  CORNELLLewis, Felton, Long, Jowett, l.e.  r.e., Seagrave, BakerHann, Parmenter, l.t.  r.t., Delano, ZellerMinot, Keays, Stow, l.g.  r.g., Hale, AustinHuntington, P. D. Smith, c.  c., Miller, StimpsonFisher, Blodgett, Minot, r.g.  l.g., Champaign, O'Rourke, FranklinWithington, Bush, F. H. Leslie, r.t.  l.t., MunkL. D. Smith, O'Flaherty, Paine, Amory, r.e.  l.e., Eyrich, TeaglePotter, Gardner, q.b.  q.b., Butler, SmithWendell, Campbell, Graustein, Pierce, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Bates, NicholsMorrison, Wendell, Graustein, Johnson, r.h.b.  l.h.b., O'Connor, RobbT. H. Frothingham, Tryon, f.b.  f.b., Simson, Wilso

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