Three Weeks of New H. D. A. System


An official report of the Harvard Dining Association for the period from March 1 to March 21 shows the cost of general board under the new system to be $4.10, the average cost of extras 86 cents, and the average total cost of board $4.96. These figures show an advance of 10 cents over the cost of general board which was guaranteed by the Corporation for the month of March, but the average total cost of board falls below $5 which is very reasonable. The average total cost of board for March 1907 was $5.38, as compared with $5.11 for the period from March 1904 to 1907.

The average regular membership for the past three weeks has been 929 2-3, the average transient attendance 28, the average guest attendance 28, the average guest attendance 23 1-2, and the total average attendance 981. The present enrolled membership is 1171, regulars 948 and transients 223, the total being 251 greater than at the first of March, when the new plan was adopted.

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