The time approaches when the Student Council will loom up as a reality, not as one of last year's dreams. Nominations for the two delegates at large to be chosen from the three upper classes have been posted, and after they are elected the Council will convene immediately to elect the three delegates at large from the entire undergraduate body, and to assume the responsibilities which it has voluntarily shouldered.

The task before it is a big one. It will take a large amount of pressure to correct certain of the tendencies which it is proposed to alter and it will not be done in a day. An innovation such as this will require no little time to arrive at the most effective working basis, and the results must be considered accordingly. The encouragement received from the Athletic Committee will be of great assistance in the early months, but eventually the Council will work into its own particular relations with undergraduate life. There is no reason why they should not prove wholesome and beneficial to all concerned.

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